Client/Family Education
- Nature of the Illness
- What is anxiety?
- To what might it be related?
- What is O C D?
- What is body dysmorphic disorder?
- What is trichotillomania?
- Symptoms of anxiety, O C D, and related disorders
- Management of the Illness
- Medication management
- Possible adverse effect
- Length of time to take effect
- What to expect from the medication
- Medication management
- Stress management
- Teach ways to interrupt escalating anxiety.
- Teach relaxation techniques.
- Support Services
- Crisis hotline
- Support groups
- Individual psychotherapy
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of the nursing interventions is measured by fulfillment of the outcome criteria.
- Can the client recognize signs and symptoms of escalating anxiety, and interrupt before it reaches panic level?
- Can the client demonstrate activities that can be used to maintain anxiety at a manageable level?
- Can the client discuss the phobic object or situation without becoming anxious?
- Can the client function in the presence of the phobic object or situation without experiencing panic anxiety?
- Can the O C D client refrain from performing rituals when anxiety level rises and demonstrate substitute behaviors to maintain anxiety at a manageable level?
- Can the client with trichotillomania refrain from hair-pulling and substitute a more adaptive behavior when urges to pull hair occur?
- Does the client with body dysmorphic disorder verbalize a realistic perception and satisfactory acceptance of personal appearance?