Why Go to the Nearest ER for Heart Attack: 10 Reasons

Why Go to the Nearest ER for Heart Attack: 10 Reasons

heart attack is one of the most common debilitating conditions all over the world, with numbers indicating that more than 1 million people in the U.S alone suffer from heart attacks each year. It is basically a condition leading to permanent damage of the heart due to lack of blood supply and is referred to as myocardial infarction in more professional circles. Since the muscles of the heart, like any muscles in the body, require constant supply of oxygen, which is transported in the blood through the coronary arteries, for nourishment, heart attacks occur when this supply of oxygen is cut off. This happens when one contracts coronary disease which leads to the narrowing of the coronary arteries which means blood is not able to flow normally to the heart muscles. The plaques that form in the coronary arteries, the ones that lead to the narrowing of the arteries, rapture and trigger platelets to come and form clots. These blood clots are what cause the heart attacks as they block the artery. Heart attacks are life-threatening and need to be treated immediately at the nearest ER; this is also so as to ensure that the damage to the heart is limited. This article will therefore look to highlight 10 reasons why one should head over to the ER for heart attack.

One of the key reasons that should be behind one visiting the nearest ER for heart attack has to do with the chest. This includes chest discomfort in the center of the chest and may last for more than a few minutes, which may sometimes go away and return. This discomfort feels like uncomfortable pressure or squeezing and is usually painful.

The discomfort in cases of heart attacks may not always be restricted to the chest. This is because one may also experience the same pressure, discomfort and squeezing in the arm as well as below the breastbone, which are all reason enough to ensure you head over to the nearest ER for heart attack if you present with such symptoms.

Sticking to the theme of discomfort, the subject matter gurus over at frontlineer.com, are also adamant that one should take very seriously instances of discomfort to the back, jaw or throat. This could be signs that one is having a heart attack and should definitely lead to one ensuring they pay a visit to the nearest ER for assessment and treatment as far as heart attack is concerned.

Gastrointestinal reasons are also ones to look out for as far as visits to the nearest ER for heart attacks are concerned. Some of the related symptoms include nausea, which may even lead to vomiting for some people, indigestion, a feeling that you are experiencing chocking, as well as abdominal pain and even heartburn. Such symptoms are more common and more likely to be exhibited in women than in men, but are reason enough to visit the nearest ER for heart attack when one begins exhibiting them.

Another reason to visit the nearest ER for heart attacks is if one starts to experience sudden and unexplained dizzy spells. Dizzy spells, especially those accompanied by the key signs of a heart attack such as chest discomfort, are usually a sign of a drop in blood pressure due to the heart being unable to pump blood the way it should as a result of a heart attack.

Problems and difficulties breathing should also be reason enough to visit the nearest ER as far as heart attacks are concerned, as per the folks over at frontlineer.com. This includes cases of shortness of breath as well as other breathing related issues that one should ensure they keep their eyes peeled out for.

Another reason to visit the nearest ER for heart attack would be unexplained fatigue or if you get exhausted easily. This is exhibited in situations where one becomes very fatigued and winded doing minor activities, such as climbing of stairs, that one was able to do without any issues before. 

Another reason to keep an eye out for, one that should definitely lead to one visiting the nearest ER for heart attack has to do with sweating. If one breaks out into a cold sweat for no apparent reason, then they should head over to the nearest ER as this is a sign that they may be suffering from a heart attack.

One should also keep a look out for some of the reasons, which according to the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com, are not commonly associated with heart attacks but are a sign of the same nonetheless. These include clammy skin as well as a persistent cough that won’t quit or even sore throat.

Lastly, another reason to visit the nearest ER for heart attack would be the reason mostly associated with heart attacks and that is rapid and irregular heartbeats. If you observe this over a long period of time, then it could be a sign of a heart attack.

The above are some of the reasons that should ensure one visits the nearest ER for heart attack, with more on this and other topics to be found over at the ever reliable frontlineer.com.


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