Why Go to the Nearest ER for Stroke: 10 Reasons

Why Go to the Nearest ER for Stroke: 10 Reasons

A stroke is caused when blood supply to part of the brain is cut off, affecting the functionality or even making the affected part of the brain to completely stop working. When this happens, the consequence is that the part of the body or functionality controlled by the affected part of the brain stops working as well. Given it is an attack on the brain, strokes are also referred to as brain attacks or cerebrovascular accidents in more technical circles. Strokes can be broadly classified into two types, ischemic strokes which occur when part of the brain losses blood flow, and hemorrhagic strokes, which are caused by bleeding within the brain. One thing that should be noted about strokes is that, unlike most other medical conditions in which only the severe attacks can be considered emergencies, strokes by themselves are medical emergencies. This means that if one begins to suffer stroke, they should be rushed to the nearest ER as soon as possible for treatment. This is because, the longer one waits before having the stroke attended to, the more damage is incurred to their brain. It is also life-threatening and as such this article will look to highlight a number of reasons and signs to look out for, that should trigger one visiting the nearest ER for stroke.

Numbness is one of the key symptoms that usually accompanies stroke and should be reason enough to visit the nearest ER. This includes numbness in the face, arms, as well as legs and feet. If you begin to experience numbness in these areas, you should take it seriously and visit the nearest emergency room as soon as possible.

Another reason to visit the nearest ER for stroke is if you start experiencing sudden, unexplained general body weakness. If for instance when you raise both arms, one drops, you should ensure that you visit the nearest ER as soon as you can for assessment and treatment as chances are you may be suffering from a stroke.

The subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com are also adamant that, as far as stroke is concerned, one should look at a number of eye symptoms. these symptoms include drooping of one eyelid, which extends to the side of the face the eyelid is on; one of the clearest signs of a stroke. Other signs include sudden onset of double vision, involuntary eye movements, loss of vision in one eye or even a condition referred to as the dimming of the curtains which is basically the loss of vision in both eyes, all of which are reason enough to visit the nearest ER for stroke.

You should also keep an eye on any speech related issues, which when exhibited should be yet again reason enough to visit the nearest ER for stroke. This include loss of speech, slurred speech when one does speak as well as difficulties comprehending and understanding language.

There are also a number of mental and behavioral reasons that should be behind one visiting the nearest ER for stroke as soon as possible. These include, general mental confusion as well as a general feeling of lack of alertness.

Some general symptoms that should be reason enough for one to visit the nearest ER for stroke, as covered in detail over at frontlineer.com include sudden onset of severe unexplained headache, unexplained dizzy spells as well as difficulty walking.

Another reason that should be behind one visiting the nearest ER for stroke is one develops a sudden loss of balance and they can’t seem to be able to maintain balance. This may indicate that the part of the brain responsible for balance, may be the one being affected by stroke.

Yet another reason that should ensure that you head over to the nearest ER for assessment and treatment as far as stroke is concerned is if one begins to experience a sudden lack of coordination. On the same point, if you start to develop overactive reflexes, then it is reason enough to head over to the nearest ER as soon as possible as this is a sign that you may be having a stroke.

Another set of reasons that should lead to one visiting the nearest ER as far as stroke is concerned has to do with the sense of touch. This includes reduced sensation of touch or a tingling sensation, which is sometimes referred to as a feeling of pins and needles, all of which are covered in detail at frontlineer.com by the subject matter experts over there.

The other reason that should definitely see one head over to the nearest ER for assessment and treatment of stroke has to do with muscles. To this end, keep an eye out for muscles going stiff suddenly, paralysis and weakening of said muscles as well as difficulty swallowing which is due to issues with throat muscles.

The above are just but a tip of the iceberg as far as reasons to head over to the nearest ER for stroke goes, with more o the same as well as other related topics to be found over at frontlineer.com.


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