Why Go to the Nearest ER for Broken Bones: 10 Reasons

Why Go to the Nearest ER for Broken Bones: 10 Reasons

Broken bones are some of the most common trauma injuries that are suffered each year and that lead to emergency room visits all over the U.S. This is because, one can suffer a broken bone from a number of different causes. This can be from sport and recreational activities to accidents involving bicycles, vehicles and motorcycles, to falls as well as from freak accidents either at home or at work. Children are especially more prone to suffering broken bones especially if you take into account they are usually vey physically active in terms of playing and sports activities in school. The same logic applies to professional sports men and women, especially those involved in contact sports such as basketball, football, soccer among others, for whom broken bones pretty much come with the territory. Physically demanding professions such as dancing also come with risks of broken bones. Bottom line is, they can happen to anyone at any time. Those that have suffered broken bones will tell you that they can be quite painful and severe and definitely fall into the category of conditions that should lead to one visiting an ER. This article will look to highlight a number of reasons as far as broken bones go that should definitely trigger a visit to the nearest ER.

One of the key treason to go to the nearest ER for broken bones is if one is experiencing severe bleeding at the sight of the injury. This should definitely be taken seriously as sever bleeding leads to severe blood loss, which is something that is without doubt life-threatening and a visit to the ER will enable for the stemming of the bleeding as well as blood transfusions to replace lost blood.

The other reason to ensure you visit the nearest ER for broken bones has to do with nerves. Some of the warning signs to look out for is if one starts to experience numbness at the area with the broken bone as well as the surrounding area. This indicates nerve damage and should be taken seriously and attended to as soon as possible.

The subject matter gurus over at frontlineer.com are also pretty adamant that another reason that should lead to one heading over to the nearest ER is if one notices that there is visible deformity of the area with the broken bone. What this means is that if it is a limb that is affected and it is bending in a way it shouldn’t, one should head over to the nearest ER as soon as they can.

One should also head over to an emergency room as soon as possible if the spot that a bone has broken through the skin. This is indicative of a severe bone break and is usually very painful, therefore tom prevent the victim from going into shock, they should be taken to an emergency room as soon as possible.

If after suffering the injury causing the bone break, one notices that the site of the injury is extremely pale in color and cold to the touch, then this should be taken very seriously and definitely qualifies to be among the reasons to visit the nearest ER for broken bones, since failure to do so may result in one losing the limb if it is a limb.

Another reason to visit the nearest ER for broken bones also concerns the state of the injured area. The subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com advice that if the broken bone is accompanied by extreme swelling as well as deep lacerations on the site of the injury, then one should ensure they head over to the nearest ER as soon as possible for broken bones.

Another reason that should definitely lead to one going to the nearest ER for broken bones is of the injury results in one starting to experience neck or back pain. This should be treated seriously as it may be indicative that the injured or broken part could be the spine which can lead to permanent paralysis if not treated urgently.

If also after suffering the injury that results into the suspected broken bone one begins to experience either decreased feeling in the arms, legs and sometimes even the whole body, or even complete paralysis of the same, then this should be another reason to ensure you go to the nearest ER for assessment and treatment.

The folks over at frontlineer.com, who are also experts on the matter at hand, are also adamant that another reason that should ensure you go to the nearest ER for broken bones is if it is accompanied by difficulties breathing. As a rule of thumb, difficulties breathing should always be taken very seriously.

Another reason that should lead to one going to the nearest ER for broken bones is if one experiences a loss of consciousness after the accident causing the bone break. Whether it is momentary or not, this should be taken very seriously.

The above discussion only begins to scratch the surface as far as reasons leading to one going to the nearest ER for broken bones go, with more on this and other related topics to be found over at frontlineer.com.


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