Top 10 Coronavirus Tips for At Home Emergencies

Top 10 Coronavirus Tips for At Home Emergencies

At-home emergencies such as power failure, water leaks, burst tap and so forth as covered in detail over at, are difficult to deal with in the best of times, and they are even more difficult to deal with when you add the coronavirus crisis into the mix. This article should be of great help as you aim to react to these emergencies by highlighting the top 10 coronavirus tips for at-home emergencies.

Store water

One of the most common at-home emergencies is a burst tap or waterpipe which could interfere with your water supply as per discussions on the same over at Given that it may be difficult to call in a handyman at this time to fix the issue, as well as not being safe, one tip for such an emergency is to ensure you store water in case you lose your water supply. Have at least 3 days supply of bottled water for drinking as well as stored water in tanks for other domestic uses such as washing of hands which is important in the current coronavirus crisis.

Have an alternative source of lighting

Blackouts and power failure are yet another common at-home emergencies. To deal with such a situation during the current coronavirus crisis, ensure that you have an alternative power source such as a battery-operated torch, gas-powered lamps or even a generator. This will provide you with some much-needed lighting as you try and have the power issue resolved.

Fully stocked first aid kit

If you haven’t done so by now, you should definitely move quickly to restock your first aid kit with all the necessary items just in case of an injury or accident in the house. Given that it is recommended that you only go to a medical facility when you absolutely have to, as per discussions on the same over at, you should ensure your first aid kit is fully stocked to allow you to handle any accidents that may occur in the house. Clean bandages, painkillers, pair of gloves, and so forth are just among the things that need to be in your kit.

Extra source of information

In case of a blackout or power failure, you may need to stay informed with the latest coronavirus news, particularly since your TV will be off and your laptop and mobile phone batteries may drain. As a tip by the gurus over at for at-home emergencies, it is recommended that you have a battery-operated radio or a wind-up radio to keep you in the loop of things as you wait for any power issues to be fixed.

Spare batteries

On a related note and yet another tip as far as at-home emergencies go in the current coronavirus crisis, you should also ensure you stock up on spare batteries. This, as per discussions on the same over at, will ensure you have backup for your backups in case the batteries in your battery-powered torch or radio run out of charge. It is always prudent to stock up on extra batteries, but it is even more important now in the current coronavirus crisis.

Stock up on baby and pet supplies

The gurus over at also recommend that one stocks up on baby and pet supplies as another tip for at-home emergencies during the current coronavirus crisis. In case of anything, you should make sure that you have enough baby food in the house as well as enough food for the pet as an emergency may make it difficult for you to go and get food, particularly if it occurs at night when most people have been advised to stay at home and when shops will be closed.

Stock up on ready-to-eat food

At-home emergencies such as power failure and issues with the water supply among others may make it impossible to prepare and cook food. This is why, as covered in detail over at, another coronavirus tip for at-home emergencies during the coronavirus crisis is to ensure you have a stock of ready-to-eat or easy-to-heat food such as canned food. This will ensure that you have something to eat in case of a household emergency that has made it difficult or impossible to cook.

Always have spare glasses or contact lenses

With the entire family at home due to the social-distancing measures put in place to try and stop the spread of the coronavirus, accidents are more likely to happen at home. One of the at-home emergencies one is likely to suffer is broken or damaged glasses or lost contact lenses as per discussions over at As a tip for dealing with such an emergency, you should ensure that you have a spare pair of glasses or contact lenses at home, particularly as your optician may be unavailable due to the coronavirus pandemic.

A thermometer is important

If you don’t have one, it is important you also get a thermometer which is a crucial item to have in the current coronavirus crisis goes. This is because, as is covered in detail over at, a high temperature is one of the key symptoms as far as COVID-19 is concerned. Having a thermometer will help in getting accurate temperature readings to see if someone in the family may be infected.

Have a list of emergency contact numbers handy

Yet another important tip as far as at-home emergencies in the current coronavirus crisis go is ensuring that you have a list of emergency contact numbers handy, like say pinned on the fridge. It is also important that these numbers are on a piece of paper rather than on your phone, as your phone could go off as a result of a blackout or power failure or even getting damaged.

As usual, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, then the place to go to is over at the excellent


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