Top 10 Coronavirus Tips for Abdominal Pain Emergencies

Top 10 Coronavirus Tips for Abdominal Pain Emergencies

Even as we focus our attentions on the coronavirus crisis and its symptoms, it is important to note that other medical conditions are still likely to occur, with abdominal pain emergencies being one of them. With the help of the subject matter experts over at, this article will look to highlight the top 10 coronavirus tips as far as abdominal pain emergencies are concerned.

Make use of telemedicine services

As per discussions on the same over at, most doctors are turning to telemedicine as a means of making the initial evaluation of their patients so as to try and stop the spread of COVID-19. You should therefore make use of this facility by reaching out to your primary doctor, if they are offering such services, or any other doctor in your area who is. This ensures that you only have to go to the ER or hospital if you really need to, keeping you protected.

Be aware of the serious symptoms

Another tip is for you to be aware of the serious symptoms as far as abdominal pain emergencies go. These include severe pain, severe vomiting and diarrhea, vomiting of blood or blood in your stool, among others as covered in detail over at the excellent It is important to know the signs and symptoms that indicate an abdominal pain emergency, or a serious abdominal condition to ensure that you get treatment for the same as soon as possible.

Call 911 rather than going to the ER or hospital yourself

Another vey important tip, and not only for abdominal pain emergencies, but also other emergencies as well, is to ensure that you call 911 first and let them take it from there, rather than taking yourself to the ER or hospital. This is important as it will ensure that the exposure for you to COVID-19 is kept at a minimum.

Don’t put benevolence ahead of your health

As is covered in more detailed discussions on the same over at, one of the things that has been observed in recent times is people holding out on calling 911 as they feel like emergency practitioners are already stretched enough due to the coronavirus crisis. As a tip for abdominal emergencies, don’t put benevolence ahead of your health, as you may think that you are doing right by medical practitioners only to suffer serious outcomes including death. If you feel like you are having an abdominal emergency, don’t hesitate to call 911.

Ask for all your treatment options

Another tip as far as abdominal pain emergencies go in the current coronavirus crisis is ensuring that you ask your doctor, when you call them, for all your treatment options so that you chose the one which you feel is safer for you, particularly since not all abdominal emergencies require one to go to the hospital or ER. As an example, by the gurus over at, there are certain cases of appendicitis which can be treated with antibiotics rather than needing surgery.

The ER or hospital is safe for you

One of the main reasons why most people are afraid to go to the ER or hospital for abdominal pain emergencies, as discussed over at, is due to the fear of contracting the coronavirus. However, it is important to note that you are unlikely to get COVID-19 in the ER or hospital as there are strict measures put in place to protect patients. These include regular sanitizing and cleaning of all surfaces, separate wings for treatment of coronavirus patients among others.

Be aware of your medical history

As per discussions on the same over at, there are certain people, due to their medical history, who are likely to suffer abdominal pain emergencies. Therefore, as an important tip during the current coronavirus crisis, you should call 911 if you start to experience abdominal pain and other serious symptoms and you have a history of AAA repair, have had recent colonoscopy, have a history of peptic ulcers among other conditions.

It could be a sign of COVID-19

As per the subject matter experts over at, abdominal pain could actually not even be a sign of an abdominal issue but a respiratory one, including coronavirus. Therefore, as a tip as far as abdominal pain emergencies go, you should be aware that abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea could actually also be a sign of COVID-19, which is why you should call your doctor as soon as possible if you are exhibiting such symptoms for medical advice.

Be aware that COVID-19 is found in stool

When dealing with a patient experiencing an abdominal pain emergency who is also experiencing diarrhea as a symptom, you should be aware that the coronavirus can be transmitted through the stool as per discussions on the same over at You should therefore make sure you thoroughly wash and sanitize your hands after handling such patients to protect yourself from the virus.

Keep in touch with your OB/GYN when pregnant

Abdominal pain in pregnant women is a legit medical emergency and one that could have serious repercussions for both the mom and the baby if not attended to immediately. This is why, as another tip during the coronavirus crisis, you should be in close contact with your OB/GYN if you are pregnant and have a way you can reach them quickly in case of an emergency. Make sure that you talk to them and come up with a plan on how to proceed in case of an abdominal pain emergency in the current crisis.

Remember, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, then the highly rated is the place to head to.


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