Chronic Pancreatitis
- Continuous, prolonged inflammatory, and fibrosing process of the pancreas
- Etiology
- Alcohol, gallstones, tumor, pseudocysts, trauma, systemic disease
- Acute pancreatitis
- Idiopathic
- Classifications
- Two major types
- Chronic obstructive pancreatitis
- Inflammation of sphincter of Oddi
- Cancer of ampulla of Vater, duodenum, or pancreas
- Chronic non-obstructive pancreatitis
- Inflammation and sclerosis in head of pancreas and around duct
- Most common cause is alcohol abuse
- Chronic obstructive pancreatitis
- Two major types
- Clinical Manifestations
- Abdominal pain
- Located in same areas as in acute pancreatitis
- Heavy, gnawing feeling; burning and cramp-like
- Malabsorption with weight loss
- Constipation
- Mild jaundice with dark urine
- Steatorrhea
- Diabetes mellitus
- Abdominal pain
- Interprofessional Care
- Pancreatic enzyme replacement
- Bile salts
- Insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents
- Acid-neutralizing and acid-inhibiting drugs
- Antidepressants
- Nursing Management
- Focus is on chronic care and health promotion
- Patient and family teaching
- Dietary control
- Pancreatic enzyme with meals/snack
- Observe for steatorrhea
- Monitor glucose levels
- Antacids after meals and at bedtime
- No alcohol