25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Concussions

25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Concussions

Concussions, whether through accidents, a fall, through playing of sports and exercising among others, are common occurrences. When it comes to traumatic brain injuries, concussions are the most common of them all. Concussions can vary in degree and are graded starting from mild which is grade 1, onto moderate which is grade 2 and finally to severe which is grade 3. There can sometimes be uncertainty about whether to seek medical services if you suffer from concussion or not. To help you in making this decision, this article will look to highlight some reasons that should ensure you visit an ER as far as concussions go.

If one experiences any loss of consciousness at the time of the injury that caused the concussion, even if it was just momentarily, then they should visit an ER to be checked. This is because loss of consciousness is a sign of a grade 3 or severe concussion and should be taken seriously.

If also after the injury that led to the concussion the person is feeling confused or disoriented, they should also ensure that they visit an ER so that they can be attended to.

Another reason that should ensure that one visits an ER for concussion is if after the injury they experience severe headache, sometimes referred to as a thunderclap headache, which is not easing. There is no need to take any chances here ad one should visit an ER as soon as possible.

If after the injury one also experiences a feeling of nausea and vomiting, then one should ensure they vive the ER a visit to be attended to as soon as they can.

If someone suffering from concussion starts to exhibit unusual behavior after the injury, and seems confused and out of character, they should also be taken to the ER to be checked out as soon as possible.

As mentioned above, and discussed in detail on frontlineer.com, concussion can range from mild, moderate to extreme and while all of them have symptoms, not all grades of concussion warrant a visit to the ER. However, if one is suffering from concussion and after sometime the symptoms seem to be worsening, they should bite the bullet and visit an ER to be checked out.

After the injury causing the concussion, if the affected person is exhibiting some slurred speech and are having difficulty speaking, they should also ensure they visit and ER.

If also after the injury the person with suspected concussion is experiencing persistent ringing in their ears, they should also visit an ER to be checked out.

Sticking with the ear, if after the injury one develops increased sensitivity to noise, they should also ensure they visit an ER to be checked out as soon as possible.

If one is also complaining of overall weakness after the injury causing the concussion, they should also present themselves to the ER for checking out.

Another reason that should lead in one giving an ER a visit is if they are having difficulty in eye movements. One should be keen to ensure they observe this on anyone with concussion symptoms.

Another reason that should ensure one is taken to the ER for concussion is if they present with seizures after the injury. This also should be taken seriously.

If one is also having issues in focusing and staying alert after the injury, as per frontlineer.com, they should visit an ER immediately.

If one also has discharge of blood or clear fluid coming out of their nose or ears, they should ensure they visit an ER as soon as possible.

Another reason to visit the ER for concussion is if one is experiencing loss of memory or amnesia from event. This is a clear sign of a traumatic brain injury and should be taken seriously.

If there is some scalp swelling, especially in children under the age of 2 years, one should ensure they are taken to the ER to be checked out.

If after the injury one experiences a loss in their sense of smell, otherwise known as anosmia, then they also have to ensure they give an ER a visit.

If also in the aftermath one is having difficulty sleeping, or your sleeping patterns appear way off, then visiting an ER is strongly advised.

Another reason to visit an ER for concussion is if you are experiencing mood swings in the aftermath. This could be an indication to injury to the part of the brain that controls emotion and behavior, as is discussed in detail on frontlineer.com, and one should go get checked out.

When it comes to children, if they are experiencing neck pain after, they should be taken to an ER as soon as possible for concussion.

Another reason to visit an ER for concussion is if one is experiencing an inability to waken from sleep. When this happens, especially to children, they should be rushed to the ER as soon as possible.

If one is also experiencing some numbness in legs or arms in the aftermath of the injury, then visiting an ER should be the next thing you do.

Another reason to visit the ER for concussion is if one’s pupils appear to be unequal in size. This is one of the first things one should look for on a person suffering from concussion.

Sticking to matters concerning the eye, if one is experiencing double or blurry vision after the injury, they should also ensure they visit an ER.

Continuing with matters concerning sight and the eye, if they are also experiencing increased sensitivity to light, more than normal, visiting an ER should come as soon as possible, as covered in detail over at frontlineer.com.

Any head injury should be taken seriously as potential complications may arise even much later in life. That is why the above reasons to visit an ER for concussion, with more on this and other topics to be found on frontlineer.com, should be taken with the seriousness they deserve.


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