25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Skin Rash
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Skin Rash Everyone has one time or the other developed skin rashes on their body. Most of the time they are not something that should be of great concern and are usually very easily treatable at home. Minor allergic reactions, contact with certain plants such as poison ivy, […]
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Sore Throat
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Sore Throat A sore throat may seem like a common, illness that affects almost everyone, and one that heals after a couple of days at best. This is normally the case anyway, and it is one where one shouldn’t be overly concerned most of the time. This is […]
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Dizziness
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Dizziness Everyone has felt dizzy at one time or the other, it is quite a normal occurrence. It is basically getting a feeling of lightheadedness and can be brought about by many reasons. It is one that one can brush off and get over after a little while. […]
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Allergies
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Allergies The immune system is there to protect our bodies from any harmful substance and organism that may cause infection or illness. However, there are sometime when the immune system may to react to a substance that is normally harmless like say pollen, in what constitutes an allergic […]
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Stomach Pain
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Stomach Pain One would be lying if the said they’ve never experienced stomach pain before. It is something people experience at one time or the other. It can be caused by a number of varying things from the food we eat, to all sorts of infections and diseases. […]
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for High Fevers
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for High Fevers An abnormally elevated temperature, or one that is higher than the normal body temperature is what is generally referred to as fever. If your body temperature rises above 38 degrees Celsius, then you have entered fever territory. Fevers should always be taken seriously as they may […]
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Broken Bone
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Broken Bone Broken bones can happen to anyone and at any time for a number of reasons. One may be playing sports, or may be involved in an accident, one may even trip, fall and break a bone or fracture it. Most people are usually confronted with the […]
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Diarrhea
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Diarrhea Diarrhea is condition when one is passing loose and watery stool frequently and with a sense of urgency that may be difficult to control. It has different causes from viruses, bacteria and even protozoa. Diarrhea is quite common and anyone can experience it, however, there are some […]
25 reasons to visit an ER for breathing difficulties
25 reasons to visit an ER for breathing difficulties Breathing complications are potentially fatal since they translate to the body not receiving the optimum oxygen needed to maintain the normal functioning. It is with this in mind that frontlineer.com has come up with these 25 reasons to visit an ER for breathing complications since they […]
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Sprained Ankle
25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Sprained Ankle Given the ankle is the joint that connects the foot with the lower leg, it is very important for locomotion. It is also one of those joints that can be injured at any time given an unnatural twisting of it is something that can happen anytime […]