25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Dizziness

25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Dizziness

Everyone has felt dizzy at one time or the other, it is quite a normal occurrence. It is basically getting a feeling of lightheadedness and can be brought about by many reasons. It is one that one can brush off and get over after a little while. There are however some cases in which dizziness should be taken seriously, enough to visit an ER over. This article will look to highlight such cases by spelling out reasons you should visit an ER for dizziness.

If you are of old age, over 65, and have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and are feeling dizzy, it is best if you head over to the ER as soon as you can.

If you’ve also had a previous heart attack, then when you start getting unexplained dizziness, it is best to head to an ER as you may be showing signs of suffering another attack.

Speaking of previous, if you’ve had a previous stroke and out of nowhere you start feeling dizzy, it is reason enough to visit an ER as this shows you may be showing signs of suffering another stroke.

Another reason to visit an ER for dizziness is if the dizziness is prolonged and unexplained. If you start feeling dizzy out of nowhere and it doesn’t show signs of abetting, it is best if you visit an ER to have yourself checked out.

If you are feeling dizzy, coupled with a sudden unexplained severe headache, it is best that you visit an ER and get checked out.

If you also have a temperature of over 38 degrees Celsius to go with your dizziness, it is recommended that you also go over to the ER.

Another reason to get yourself over to the ER is if your dizziness is accompanied by you having double vision.

Sticking to matters concerning the eye, if you are feeling dizzy and it is accompanied by abnormal or jerking eye movements, then as per frontlineer.com, it is better to visit an ER and get checked out.

If you are also having trouble speaking as well as slurring of speech to go with your dizziness, it is also reason enough to visit an ER as this may indicate a stroke.

Another thing to keep in mind is if you suddenly develop trouble and change in hearing coupled with your dizziness. This also should trigger you heading over to the ER.

If, to go with your dizziness you suddenly develop an inability to walk and you find that you cannot walk at all, it is also recommended that you visit an ER.

If one also faints or experiences a loss of consciousness to go with their dizziness, it is yet another reason to ensure that you do visit an ER to get checked out.

If you are feeling dizzy and at the same time you develop some tingling in the face, you should also ensure you get yourself to the ER to get checked out.

Another reason to ensure that you visit an ER for dizziness is if the dizziness is accompanied by numbness or paralysis of the arms and legs.

Dizziness that comes with nausea and excessive vomiting that won’t stop should also be reason enough for one to ensure they visit an ER.

Dizziness that is also accompanied with chest pain should also lead one to visit an ER as these may indicate one is having a heart attack. The folks over at frontlineer.com recommend that those in this situation shouldn’t take any chances.

Another thing that should lead to a visit to the ER for dizziness is if the dizziness is accompanied with a severe difficulty breathing. Again, one shouldn’t take any chances in this instance.

If suddenly you develop a rapid or irregular heartbeat to go with your dizziness, you should also ensure that you visit an ER and get checked out.

If you develop a feeling of delirium and confusion as well as feeling dizzy, then the next thing you should do is visit an ER and get checked out.

Another reason that should lead to one visiting an ER for dizziness is if they are feeling dizzy as well as having difficulty walking and are stumbling.

Seizures out of nowhere or unexplained, together with dizziness is also reason enough for one to pay a visit to the ER and get checked out.

If your dizziness is due to a head injury and it is showing no signs of easing, you should also visit an ER as this could indicate severe concussion or an injury of the brain.

Another reason to trigger a visit to an ER is if one is feeling dizzy accompanied with stiffness of the neck. This as one can imagine should be taken quite seriously.

If also to go with your dizziness, there is ringing in your ear, a feeling of pressure or fullness of the ear or even hearing loss, you should visit an ER as well since as per frontlineer.com, this could be a sign of Meniere’s disease with more on the same to be found in detail over there.

If also as well as feeling dizzy, the world seems to bounce as you walk, you should also give the ER a visit. This is a symptom of Dandy’s syndrome, but just to be sure get checked out as soon as possible.

If you present with any of the above symptoms, ensure you visit an ER and get checked out. For more on this and other topics, give frontlineer.com a visit.


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