Prevention and detection of cancer
Prevention and detection of cancer Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled and unregulated growth of cells. Cancer affects people of all ages and affects men more than women. It is the second most common cause of death in the United States after heart disease. More people are surviving cancer. Lifestyle habits to […]
Education is essential : Cancer
Education is essential Goals of public education Motivate people to recognize and modify behaviors that may negatively affect health Encourage awareness of and participation in health-promoting behaviors What you would tell the patient about cancer Cell proliferation, or growth, originates in the stem cell and begins when the stem cell enters the cell cycle. Normally, […]
Diagnosis of cancer
Diagnosis of cancer Diagnostic plan includes Comprehensive Health History Identification of risk factors Physical examination Specific diagnostic studies Indicated diagnostic studies depend on site of cancer Lab works Cytology studies Chest x-ray Endoscopic examinations Radiographic studies Radioisotope scans PET scan Tumor markers Genetic markers Bone marrow examination Biopsy Patient may experience fear and anxiety Actively […]
Classification of cancer
Classification of cancer Tumors can be classified by Anatomic site Histology Grading severity Extent of disease Staging Classification systems provide a standardized way to Communicate with health care team Prepare and evaluate treatment plan Determine prognosis Compare groups statistically Anatomic site classification Identified by tissue of origin Carcinomas originate from Embryonal ectoderm (skin, glands) Endoderm […]
Benign vs Malignant Neoplasms
Benign vs Malignant Neoplasms Tumors can be classified as benign (well differentiated) or malignant (range from well differentiated to undifferentiated.). Tumors can be classified according to Anatomic site, Histology (grading) Extent of disease (staging). Tumor classification systems provide a standardized way to Communicate the status of the cancer to all members of the Interprofessional care […]
Role of immune system : Cancer
Role of immune system Immune response is to reject or destroy cancer cells May be inadequate as cancer cells arise from normal human cells Some cancer cells have changes on their surface antigens Tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) Cytotoxic T cells Kill tumor cells directly Produce cytokines Natural killer cells and activated macrophages can lyse tumor cells B […]