Predisposing Factors Bipolar Disorders

Predisposing Factors Biological theories Genetics Twin and family studies Other genetic studies Biochemical influences Possible excess of norepinephrine and dopamine Physiological influences Brain lesions Enlarged ventricles Medication side effects Psychosocial theories Credibility of psychosocial theories has declined in recent years. Bipolar disorder is viewed as a disease of the brain. Developmental implications: Childhood and Adolescence […]

Types of Bipolar Disorders

Types of Bipolar Disorders Bipolar 1 disorder Client is experiencing, or has experienced, a full syndrome of manic or mixed symptoms. May also have experienced episodes of depression Bipolar 2 disorder Characterized by bouts of major depression with episodic occurrence of hypomania Has never met criteria for full manic episode Cyclothymic disorder Chronic mood disturbance […]

Bipolar and Related Disorders

Bipolar and Related Disorders Introduction Mood- is defined as a pervasive and sustained emotion that may have a major influence on a person’s perception of the world. Examples of mood: Depression, joy, elation, anger, anxiety. Affect- is described as the emotional reaction associated with an experience. Mania is an alteration in mood that is expressed […]

Antipsychotic: Side Effects

Antipsychotic: Side Effects Anticholinergic effects Weight gain Nausea; gastrointestinal upset Hyperglycemia/diabetes Skin rash Increased risk of mortality in elderly clients with dementia Sedation Reduction in seizure threshold Orthostatic hypotension Agranulocytosis Photosensitivity Extrapyramidal symptoms Hormonal effects Tardive dyskinesia Electrocardiogram changes Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Hypersalivation Weight gain Antipsychotics: Extrapyramidal symptoms Pseudoparkinsonism Akinesia Akathisia Dystonia Oculogyric crisis Antiparkinsonian […]


Schizophrenia… Program of Assertive Community Treatment A program of case management that takes a team approach in providing comprehensive, community-based psychiatric treatment, rehabilitation, and support to persons with serious and persistent mental illness The Recovery Model A concept of healing and transformation enabling a person with mental illness to live a meaningful life in the […]