Types of Bipolar Disorders

Types of Bipolar Disorders

  • Bipolar 1 disorder
    • Client is experiencing, or has experienced, a full syndrome of manic or mixed symptoms.
    • May also have experienced episodes of depression
  • Bipolar 2 disorder
    • Characterized by bouts of major depression with episodic occurrence of hypomania
    • Has never met criteria for full manic episode
  • Cyclothymic disorder
    • Chronic mood disturbance
    • At least 2-year duration
    • Numerous episodes of hypomania and depressed mood of insufficient severity to meet the criteria for either bipolar 1 or 2 disorder
  • Substance- and medication-induced bipolar disorder
    • A disturbance of mood (depression or mania) that is considered to be the direct result of the physiological effects of a substance (for example, ingestion of or withdrawal from a drug of abuse or a medication or other treatment)
  • Bipolar disorder due to another medical condition
    • Characterized by an abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and excessive activity or energy that is judged to be the result of direct physiological effects of another medical condition


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