When Should You Visit an Emergency Room?
When Should You Visit an Emergency Room? Emergency rooms operate 24 hours 365 days a year. Even on holidays, you can walk right in the emergency room and get treatment. However, this convenience is what makes most of us visit the ER even when some of our symptoms warrant a trip to the urgency center […]
What to Do When Someone has a Seizure?
What to Do When Someone has a Seizure? Seizures often occur in patients suffering from epilepsy. Epilepsy is a range of disorders that affect the electrical activity in the brain. Although a person might suffer from seizure due to other factors such as head trauma, toxin or drug effects, epileptic patients are more likely to […]
What is a Freestanding Emergency Room?
What is a Freestanding Emergency Room? Freestanding emergency rooms or departments are just like the hospital-based emergency rooms in the sense that they provide similar high-quality care to patients who need emergency care. They also use high-quality technology and are open 24 hours a week 365 days just like hospital-based ERs. A freestanding emergency room […]
How to Find Emergency Room near Me Reviews
How to Find Emergency Room near Me Reviews Finding the best ER when you need emergency care can be difficult. This is why it is best to do your homework early if you live in areas with more than one ER. A good ER will have some characteristics including physicians that are board certified, nurses […]
How to Find an Emergency Room Nearest My Location
How to Find an Emergency Room Nearest My Location Whenever you experience a medical emergency, you should call 911 or drive yourself to the ER. However, if you want to experience good medical care, it is important to pick the right ER. For instance, Frontline ER is a great option. Let us tell you how […]
How to Find an Emergency Room for Panic Attack
How to Find an Emergency Room for Panic Attack According to the National Institute Of Mental Health, more than four million Americans suffer from panic attacks. This represents about 5% of the American citizens. Other researchers argue that this number is higher as most victims of panic attacks do not get a proper diagnosis and […]
How to Find an Emergency Room for Dental
How to Find an Emergency Room for Dental Hospital and freestanding emergency rooms have seen an increase of patients visiting them with routine oral care problems. Currently, emergency rooms in the US receive more than 2.1 million patients suffering from dental pain annually. These visits contribute to overcrowding and increased wait time for patients who […]
How to Find an Emergency Room for a Migraine
How to Find an Emergency Room for a Migraine The prospect of visiting an emergency room for migraine reasons can be hefty enough to intimidate any patient. The emergency room best handles emergencies that could threaten one’s life. What warrants a migraine to be rushed to the emergency room immediately? When Do I Rush To […]
How to Find a No Wait Emergency Room near Me Open
How to Find a No Wait Emergency Room near Me Open If you have been to an emergency room, you may be quite familiar with the pain and frustration of waiting for hours to be attended to. You probably took yourself to the emergency room once you felt the need to have your ever persisting […]
Going to an Emergency Room for Sports-Related Injuries
Going to an Emergency Room for Sports-Related Injuries Sports injuries occur every day. They can range from the severe to the minor injuries. For instance, there are 25,000 sprained ankles in the US daily. Besides that, concussions are quite common, especially in contact sports. However, when you or your child has an injury playing sports, […]