When Should You Visit an Emergency Room? 

When Should You Visit an Emergency Room? 

Emergency rooms operate 24 hours 365 days a year. Even on holidays, you can walk right in the emergency room and get treatment. However, this convenience is what makes most of us visit the ER even when some of our symptoms warrant a trip to the urgency center or our regular doctor.

The main aim of the ER is to treat patients who are suffering from serious and acute injury or illness that would result in severe complications or death if not treated fast. The ER is not for patients needing urgent care and if you go there with an illness that can be treated somewhere else, you will find that patients that require immediate care will always be seen first.

Treatment at the ER is based on clinical need and not on your financial or health insurance situation. Most ERs are very busy and the patients are treated in terms of the medical urgency and not necessarily based on your arrival time.

Non-emergency conditions are best treated by your local doctor or by other medical facilities. This will ensure you won’t have to wait long hours to see the doctor. This also frees up emergency rooms to treat those in need of emergency care. Additionally, ER services are costly and if you know that you can get proper care in another facility it will save you some money.

What Symptoms Require You to Visit the ER?

The first thing to remember is that you should always visit the ER if it is a matter of life and death. Some of the symptoms need you to call 911 or get an ambulance to get you to the ER as getting there might mean the difference between life and death. Some of these conditions and their symptoms include:

  1. Stroke

When someone is suffering from stroke, getting to the ER can mean the difference between brain damage and recovery. Medical professionals have made great strides in the treatment of stroke especially if the patient can get to the hospital fast. Some of the symptoms to look for in case of stroke include:

  • Slurring words or trouble speaking
  • Confusion
  • Trouble comprehending what others are saying
  • Sudden paralysis of the face or one side of the body
  • Vision problems
  • Sudden loss of coordination
  1. Heart attack

Just like the case of a stroke, if you suspect someone is having a heart attack you should call emergency responders immediately as the lifesaving care provided before the patient gets to the ER can save the person’s life. Some of the symptoms that can indicate a heart attack include:

  • Pain or pressure in the chest, and spreads to the neck, back, or jaw
  • Heart palpitations
  • Nausea
  • Heartburn or indigestion
  • Cold sweat
  • Trouble breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue.
  1. Chronic diseases

If you have a life threatening or chronic condition such as cancer, diabetes among others you might experience a variety of symptoms due to the treatment you are taking. However, some symptoms might warrant a trip to the ER including:

  • A temperature above 101 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Confusion or hallucinations
  • Rash
  • Trouble breathing
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Worsening pain
  • Uncontrolled diarrhea and vomiting
  • Swelling in the arms and legs
  • A sudden headache.

In addition to the above symptoms in the named conditions, there are other symptoms and medical conditions that will warrant a trip to the ER as they are also serious. Some of them include:

  • Difficult breathing
  • Chocking
  • Electric shock
  • Head injury that might see you faint or pass out
  • Lightning strike
  • Injury to the neck or spine
  • A seizure that lasts more than three minute
  • A serious allergic reaction accompanied by hives, swelling, or trouble breathing might need you to visit the ER
  • Severe or sudden pain in the abdomen
  • Loss of balance or fainting
  • Intestinal bleeding accompanied by blood in the vomit, stool or vomit that looks like coffee grounds
  • Poisoning or drug overdose
  • Repeated diarrhea or vomiting
  • Sudden testicular pain.
  1. Injuries

Serious injuries, cuts, and wounds do warrant a trip to the ER. Here are various injuries that will need a trip to the nearest ER.

  • Broken bones
  • Deep cuts that need stitches
  • Dislocated joints
  • Large wounds
  • Bleeding that won’t stop
  • Serious burns
  • Injuries to the neck and head
  1. Flu

Some flu symptoms require a trip to the ER. Sometimes, flu is not just a bad cold especially when the patient is a child under five years or a senior with more than 65. Further, consider if the patient suffers from asthma, lung disease, heart disease, morbid obesity, or other chronic medical conditions. If the flu victim falls under the said categories and the flu is accompanied by high fever, cough, stuffy or a runny nose, headaches, fatigue, and aches consider taking the victim to the ER.

Why visit Frontline ER

If you believe you or your loved one is experiencing a medical emergency, time is of the essence. Every minute counts and no one wants to watch their loved one writhe in pain as they wait on the long queues common in hospital-based ER.

At Frontline ER, we ensure that our waiting time is minimal. When you visit us, we will provide prompt care. You might also be concerned about the high cost of ER services at hospital-based ERs, at Frontline ER, we accept most commercial insurances and we also provide private payment plans to ensure you still get the best care even when you might not have cash at hand.


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