2018 Houston Crossfit Trends and Tips to Prevent Work Out Injuries

2018 Houston Crossfit Trends and Tips to Prevent Work Out Injuries

Crossfit injuries, like torn muscles or back strain, can happen for various reasons. It is one of the major reasons people visit our Frontline ER. However, if you are proactive and take preventative measures, it will decrease the chances of suffering from injuries. If you are already into CrossFit, these few safety tips can help to ensure you stay safe at all times.

Warm Up Before You Work Out

Although it may seem obvious, many athletes do not take time to warm up before they work out. CrossFit training is supposed to engage all your muscle groups. Thus, you need to do a whole-body warm up before you start exercising. Warming up your muscles with gentle stretches will prepare them for the work ahead. It will help to prevent muscles strain or other types of CrossFit injuries that could put you out of commission for weeks.

Do mobility training often

Weightlifting and strength building are the goals of CrossFit training. However, mobility and flexibility training must accompany the workout. The flexibility training like yoga and stretching helps to elongate muscles. On the other hand, mobility training will increase your range of motion. These two training done together can prevent injury by loosening up muscles and keeping the body flexible so that you can push your limits.

Know and respect your limits

During CrossFit training, it is important to be aware of your limits and avoid exceeding them. While CrossFit training could help you overcome physical training issues, the aim is to do it with time. Building muscle mass is a process that happens with time. While you should push your body, if you push yourself too much, you could injure yourself.

Utilize therapeutic cold post workout

Your body will usually feel sore after a CrossFit workout, which is your body getting inflamed due to physical stress. When you lift weights to grow your muscles, the muscles usually get tiny tears. While it is part of weight training, it can be painful during the recovery. You can reduce the swelling and pain using cold therapy. A simple ice pack will help you with this. Alternatively, you can utilize a cold therapy system, which incorporates active compression.

Go for routine physical

It is a good idea to see your doctor for a physical examination before hopping on to an exercise program. Any activity can place stress on the body, especially the joints and the cardiovascular system. For instance, a six-minute treadmill test will help to determine the limits you place on the heart, which will help direct an appropriate exercise routine based on how fit your cardiovascular system is.

Look for a personal trainer

If you are not sure about anything, look for a personal trainer. He or she can help to structure the right type of training schedule for you. This will help you achieve your goals and avoid some of the bad habits that lead to injuries. In some cases, it could even help to shave off hours from your training schedule each week while achieving the same results.

Start slowly

When you start training, it can be tempting to throw yourself at it with everything you have. However, it may not be just painful but it could lead to major injuries. You should aim to start with 20-minute training. Later on, you can increase the training from this baseline. 

Avoid working out on an empty stomach

You will be burning calories while you exercise. Thus, avoid training on an empty stomach. About three hours before the training, eat a heavy meal and ensure you eat the right food to help you have enough fuel for your workout. This also applies to hydration. You need to take about 16 ounces of water two hours before you head for CrossFit training.

Dress for the training

Some of the CrossFit training injuries we get at Frontline ER are because people did not use the right equipment. Whatever you do, ensure that you use the right gear, including the footwear and clothing. For instance, sportswear is designed to wick sweat to help you stay cool.

You do not need to spend a lot to get the right footwear and clothes. However, look for something that provides ample protection and helps you to stay cool and flexible. If you are unsure, your trainer can help to point you in the right direction.

Be attentive to your body

Do not follow the “no pain, no gain” if you wish to avoid injuries. While workouts may be hard, it should never go into painful. If you begin to feel pain, back away and take a rest. You should also go to your doctor and have it checked. Besides resting, you can try working on another muscles group as you wait for the pain to subside.

These few simple tips can do a lot to prevent injury. However, if an injury does occur, we at Frontline ER have the equipment and expertise to deal with it.


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