Why Go to the Nearest ER for Poisonings: 10 Reasons

Why Go to the Nearest ER for Poisonings: 10 Reasons

When it is said that one is suffering from poisoning, what is meant is that one has suffered injury due to swallowing, inhaling, touching or injecting a number of drugs, chemicals, gases or venoms. Poisoning is life-threatening and can lead to one suffering death if they are not attended to as soon as possible. Substances and instances that can lead to poisoning vary, some being from normal day-to-day activities, and others being from not so common occurrences. Some of the ordinary activities that can lead to poisoning include eating infected food, drug poisoning due to taking tainted drugs or even overdosing, poisoning by carbon monoxide from charcoal among others. Children are usually more prone to experiencing poisonings as they are usually very curious and adventurous and end up ingesting substances that are potentially poisonous. It is also important to note that while some substances are poisonous despite of the concentrations ingested, others such as drugs and carbon monoxides are only poisonous when ingested in high concentrations, or dosage for the former. The matter of poisons may be complex, with most poisons differing in their make-up and functionality, but one thing is for sure, poisoning is a medical emergency and as such should be treated seriously. For that reason, this article will look to highlight 10 reasons to look out for, that should lead to one going to the nearest ER for assessment and attendance.

One of the key things to look out for as far as poisonings go is if one has signs of burns or redness around the mouth, especially having ingested a suspected poisonous substance. If one spots these symptoms of corrosion in the mouth and on the lips, then they should go to the nearest ER as soon as possible for treatment.

Another reason to ensure one heads over to the nearest ER for poisoning is if one starts to experience seizures after having ingested a potentially poisonous substance. Seizures usually indicate an issue which has to do with the brain and as such should be treated very seriously; and the only reason to do so is ensure one heads over to the nearest ER pronto.

The folks over at frontlineer.com, who are also subject matter experts on this matter are also insistent that if one collapses and loses consciousness or is having trouble waking up, that is they can’t be awakened, they should also ensure they head over to the nearest ER for assessment and treatment for poisoning.

Another reason that should ensure one heads over to the nearest ER to be assessed and treated for poisoning is if they are having breathing difficulties after the poisoning incident. This can either be shortness of breath, pain in the chest especially when breathing or even wheezing. Breathing difficulties should always be taken seriously as a rule of thumb to avoid asphyxiation.

Another reason to ensure than one goes over to the nearest ER for poisonings involves cases where one starts to experience drowsiness and dizziness after having ingested the suspected poisonous substance. This is usually the precursor to one losing consciousness as mentioned above and if one presents with this signs they should be taken to the nearest ER as soon as possible.

One should also head over to the nearest ER for poisoning for reasons involving food poisoning, as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com. Sever cases of food poisoning can be life-threatening due to severe dehydration and organ damage and as such should be treated seriously. Some of the symptoms to look out for include severe diarrhea and vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, high fever among others.

Another reason that should definitely lead to one heading over to the nearest ER for poisoning revolves around the behavioral changes exhibited. These include symptoms such as one being restless, agitated, confused as well as exhibiting an altered mental status. This should also be taken serious as a rule of thumb.

Another reason where one should head over to the nearest ER for poisoning has to do with drug overdoses. If someone has taken medication in large amounts, that is they have overdosed, they should be taken to the nearest ER as soon as possible, whether they did it intentionally to self-harm or not.

The next reason that should also see one heading over to the nearest ER for poisoning has to with cases of alcohol poisoning. As discussed over at frontlineer.com by the subject matter experts over there, severe cases of alcohol poisoning are medical emergencies as they usually to seizures, comas and even death. Symptoms include severe vomiting or projectile vomiting, severe slurred and incoherent speech, severely slow breathing, skin turning blue, loss of consciousness among others.

Finally, another reason to head over to the nearest ER for poisoning is if the poisoning is due to a bite from a poisonous animal such as snakes, spiders, scorpions, jellyfish, among others. Venomous bites are medical emergencies as, they are life-threatening, with time very much being a limiting factor here. If one is bitten by a venomous animal, they should be taken to the nearest ER as soon as possible.

The above are some of the reasons to go to the nearest ER for poisonings with more on this and other topics to be found over at the ever reliable frontlineer.com.


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