Why Go to the Nearest ER for Concussions: 10 Reasons

Why Go to the Nearest ER for Concussions: 10 Reasons

Traumatic brain injuries are some of the most injuries out there, given that they affect the brain and as such it is no surprise that a lot of this injuries lead to death. This just shows why they should be taken very seriously. Concussions are an example of a traumatic brain injury, although they are arguably the least serious although they are also the most common. It should be stressed that, even though they are the least serious, it shouldn’t mean that they should be taken lightly as they can be life-threatening to especially in severe cases and if not attended to with the urgency required. They occur when one suffers a violent blow to the head, either through playing of sports, through car accidents, fighting, falls among other causes. Such violent blows to the head may even cause the brain to move around in the skull and leads to bruising, injury and damage of the blood vessels and nerve cells in the brain. This is what triggers most of the symptoms due to concussions and it also causes the brain not to function normally. Concussions come in grades of increasing severity from grade 1 which is mild, grade 2 which is moderate to grade 3 which is severe. Cases of moderate to severe concussion are medical emergencies and should be handled at an emergency room, with this article looking to highlight 10 reasons that should mean you definitely head over to the nearest one.

One of the most key reasons to visit the nearest ER for concussions, and one that is easy to notice has to do with headaches. It is recommended that if one, after suffering the concussion leading to the suspected concussion, develop a severe headache that is not easing, then this is reason enough to visit the nearest ER. This sort of headache is known as thunderclap headache and is usually very severe.

It is also important to highlight some of the behavioral reasons that should lead one to visit the nearest ER for concussion. These include if begins to look confused, out of character, exhibit unusual behavior or are unable to stay alert and focused as well as loss of memory and amnesia. As far as children are concerned, if they start experiencing an inability to awaken from sleep after suffering concussion, then they should be taken to the nearest ER as soon as possible.

Another reason that should definitely ensure one visits the nearest ER for concussion, and one that is backed up by the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com, is if one begins to discharge blood or clear fluid either from their nose or ears or from both. This should be taken seriously, for obvious reasons.

One of the key reasons that should lead to one visiting an emergency room for concussion is if one loses consciousness after suffering the blow that lead to the concussion. This loss of consciousness is sometimes just momentary, but if it does happen, it is a sign one may have suffered severe concussion and should therefore visit an ER pronto.

Some symptoms involving speech are also used to indicate if one should visit an emergency room for concussions. If for instance one starts to exhibit difficulty with their speech and are having trouble speaking or when they do speak, words are slurred, they should head over to the nearest ER for concussion as soon as possible.

If one, after suffering the blow that led to the suspected concussion begins to suffer seizures, then as is recommended by the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com, they should ensure that they head over to the nearest emergency room for assessment and treatment as soon as they can.

Abnormalities involving the ears and nose should also be reason enough to visit the nearest ER for concussion. These include, persistent ringing in the ears, increased sensitivity to noise, as well as loss of one’s sense of smell, a condition known as anosmia

Another reason that should definitely ensure one heads over to the nearest ER for assessment and treatment due to concussion is if, in the aftermath of the accident, they start experiencing numbness in the limbs, that is the legs or arms. This is a sign of nerve damage due to the blow and it should be taken seriously and be assessed as soon as possible.

The next set of reasons to visit the nearest emergency room due to concussion has to do with the eye. As is covered in detail over at frontlineer.com, the eyes provide clear signs that one may have suffered severe concussion and thus needs to visit the nearest ER. Some of these red flags include difficulty in eye movements, double or blurry vision, increased sensitivity to light as well as if their pupils appear to be unequal to each other.

Finally, the next reason that should definitely ensure one foes over to the nearest ER for concussions has to do with children. It is recommended that if after the blow leading to the suspected concussion, they start also experiencing pain in their necks, they should be taken to the nearest ER as soon as possible for assessment and treatment.

As usual, this article only begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned, this means that there is more to be found on this and other related topics over at frontlineer.com.


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