When to Go to an ER for: Pneumonia

When to Go to an ER for: Pneumonia

When flu season is upon us, which goes hand in hand with the onset of winter, cases of flu and pneumonia usually go up exponentially. Given that these two have similar causes as well as similar symptoms, it is usually difficult to tell if you have the flu or you have the much more serious pneumonia. As is common knowledge, the flu is something that all of us have experienced at one time or the other and it is not an illness that could be termed as a medical emergency. Although some of it symptoms such as sore throat, coughing, running nose, among others can be quite taxing on the body, not to mention the high fever, chills and sweats, headaches and so much more, the flu can be managed at home with home remedies, over-the-counter medication and plenty of water and rest. Pneumonia on the other hand, is a much more serious condition and can be life-threatening if not attended to in a timely manner. It is basically an infection of the lungs and due to inflammation, pus and fluid, can make it very difficult for an affected person to breathe. Given the fact that it shares some of its symptoms with the flu, it can be difficult to identify it. To help with that, this article will look to highlight the signs that on needs to head to an ER for pneumonia, with FrontlineER.com being the best of them all out there.

One of the red flags to look out for, one that should always lead to a visit to an ER for pneumonia is if you start to experience difficulties breathing such as shallow breathing as well as rapid breathing and shortness of pain. As per the subject matter experts over at FrontlineER.com, problems with breathing regardless of your condition should always be taken seriously as if it is not, one could asphyxiate. If you are also experiencing severe chest pain, then you should also ensure that you head over to an ER as soon as you can to be assessed and attended to for pneumonia. Folks who have pneumonia and then start to cough up blood or there is blood in their phlegm, should also ensure that they head over to an ER as soon as possible as this may mean that the infection has done major damage to their lungs and airways. If you have pneumonia and are experiencing severe headache, one that is not easing and is even getting worse, then you should ensure that you don’t wait or waste any time, but you go to an ER as soon as possible so that you can be checked and be attended to.

Another red flag to look out for as far as pneumonia is concerned, and one that should lead to an ER visit with FrontlineER.com being the best one out there, is if one begins to act confused, or enters a state of confusion. This is a sign that they are facing a medical emergency and as such should head over to an ER as soon as possible, without wasting any more time. If one starts to experience lethargy, which is unexplained, that is, without having done any activity, then they should also consider it an emergency and head over to an ER to be assessed and attended to for pneumonia. Apart from lethargy, if one begins to suffer from severe dizzy spells, then it is yet another clear sign that their pneumonia has become a medical emergency and they therefore need to get themselves to an ER as soon as possible. If the fever you are suffering due to your pneumonia is severe and persistent, that is, it isn’t easing even after trying medication, then you should also head to an ER. As a rule of thumb, severe fever should always be taken as a medical emergency, especially where pneumonia is concerned.

Another sign that one should head over to an ER for pneumonia is if they begin to produce gurgling sounds in the throat. This is yet another clear sign that one is facing a medical emergency and that they should head over to an ER as soon as possible, as per the words of the subject matter experts over at FrontlineER.com. If one is also presenting with persistent vomiting due to their pneumonia, then the very next thing they should ensure they do is to go to an ER as soon as they can. If you have pneumonia and your skin starts to turn bluish in color and/or your lips and fingernails, then you should also take this very seriously and head over to an ER as soon as possible to be assessed and attended to. It is also recommended that those with conditions such as asthma, endocrine and kidney disorders as well as heart disease should head over to an ER as soon as they present with pneumonia or flu-like symptoms. This is because such people are at an increased risk of suffering death due to pneumonia and should therefore always take such symptoms seriously.

The above signs and scenarios should always be taken seriously by ensuring that anyone who presents with any of the mentioned symptoms heads over to an ER as soon as possible, with there being no better option other than FrontlineER.com.


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