Clinical Manifestations
- Painful urination
- Abdominal or back pain
- Fever
- Sepsis
- Decreased kidney function in some cases of pyelonephritis
- Symptoms related Storage:
- Urinary frequency
- Abnormally frequent (more often than every 2 hours)
- Urgency
- Sudden, strong desire to void immediately
- Incontinence
- Loss or leakage or urine
- Bladder storage
- Nocturia
- Waking up two or more times at night to void
- May be diurnal or nocturnal depending on sleep schedule
- Nocturnal enuresis
- Loss of urine during sleep
- Nocturia
- Bladder emptying
- Weak stream
- Hesitancy
- Difficulty starting the urine stream
- Delay between initiation of urination (because of urethral sphincter relaxation) and beginning of low of urine
- Diminished urinary stream
- Intermittency
- Interruption of urinary stream during voiding
- Post-void dribbling
- Urine loss after completion of voiding
- Urinary retention
- Inability to empty urine from bladder
- Caused by atonic bladder or obstruction of urethra
- Can be acute or chronic
- Dysuria
- Painful or difficulty voiding
- Flank pain, chills, and fever indicate infection of upper tract
- Pyelonephritis
- In older adults
- Symptoms often absent
- Nonlocalized abdominal discomfort rather than dysuria
- Cognitive impairment possible
- Fever less likely
- Urinary frequency