Top 10 Tips: Sinus Infections During the Coronavirus Emergency Care

Top 10 Tips: Sinus Infections During the Coronavirus Emergency Care

If you have had a sinus infection before, then you know that they can be quite painful. However, as is revealed in discussions over at, they usually resolve themselves on their own at home and are usually not a reason to worry. There are times however, when a sinus infection may require one to go to the ER, such as the highly rated In the current coronavirus environment, it is important to know how to deal with a sinus infection which is what this article will attempt to help with, by highlighting the following top 10 tips.

Know when to go to the ER

It is important to know when to go to the ER as far as sinus infections are concerned, as per the gurus over at As is revealed in discussions on the same over at, signs of emergency sinus infection include horrible chills and intense sweating, severe trouble breathing, or severe weakness particularly in children where they could be too weak to even stand. In such a situation, you should call 911 so that you can receive emergency care services as soon as possible.

Could it be a sign of COVID-19?

Given a sinus infection can cause difficulties breathing as well as a fever, it is important that you don’t make any assumptions, particularly in the current coronavirus pandemic. If you suspect that you may have been exposed to the coronavirus, either due to your recent travel history or having come into contact with someone who recently tested positive for COVID-19, then as per the gurus over at, you should call your doctor to be sure, even if you suspect that it could be a sinus infection given other symptoms you may be experiencing such as sinus pain.

Call your doctor when in doubt

If you are not sure if your symptoms, as far as your sinus infection is concerned, require emergency care services, then rather than making assumptions and trying to diagnose yourself, you should call your primary care provider for medical advice. This, as per the gurus over at, will ensure you eventually get the treatment you require, avoiding any bad outcome.

Don’t take your situation lightly

Just because sinus infections usually resolve on their own, as revealed in discussions over at, doesn’t mean that they should be taken lightly. Cases of severe sinus infections, which bring with them the serious symptoms listed above, and discussed in detail over at, can be potentially life-threatening, particularly when you take into account the fact that it may cause severe difficulties breathing. While the focus is mostly on COVID-19, it should not mean that you can take sinus infections less seriously.

Benevolence towards ER personnel will do you more harm than good

As is seen in discussions over at, many people are putting off visits to the ER as they feel like ER personnel are swamped enough due to the rising COVID-19 cases and therefore they don’t want to add to their workload. If this is the reason why you are putting off your call to 911 as a result of your sinus infection, then our next tip is to advice you not to. ER personnel, though swamped, are still in a position to treat your emergency sinus infection.

The hospital and ER are safe

Other than benevolence, another reason why folks are avoiding ERs and hospitals, as covered over at, is due to fear of being exposed to COVID-19. This is yet again misguided since ERs and hospitals, even though they are handling lots of coronavirus patients, have put in place stringent measures to ensure that those coming in with non-coronavirus related emergencies are kept safe from exposure to the virus. If you are experiencing emergency sinus infection therefore, you should not be afraid to share the same.

Know your risk

While sinus infections are not usually severe, as per discussions on the same over at, there are certain demographics of people who are at an increased risk of suffering serious complications and who should always seek medical services when experiencing signs of sinus infections. These include those with a compromised immune system such as those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, sickle cell anemia, those who have undergone recent organ transplant among others. If you fall in any of these categories, then you should seek medical services by either calling 911 or calling your primary care provider.

Keep an eye on your sinus pain

Other than the serious symptoms mentioned earlier, your sinus pain will also let you know if you need to seek emergency care for your sinus infection. As per the gurus over at, you should seek care by calling your doctor or 911 if your sinus pain is extremely severe or if it is persistent and lasts for more than 24 hours even after starting treatment. It is important to seek medical attention in such a situation to avoid complications which are unlikely to ensue if the situation remains unchecked.


If you are worried about going to the hospital for fear of being exposed to the coronavirus, you can receive care for your sinus infection through telemedicine, which is covered in more detail over at Contact your doctor and ask them if they are offering telemedicine services, which most doctors are in the current coronavirus climate. This will ensure that you receive treatment while maintaining social distancing hence protecting you from COVID-19.

Urgent care

Rather than going to the ER, which are most likely swamped with COVID-19 cases, you could seek treatment for your sinus infection at an urgent care clinic near you, unless of course when dealing with the serious symptoms of sinus infections mentioned above. As per the gurus over at, going to urgent care will help you get the treatment you need, while keeping the ER open for those who really need it such those experiencing emergency sinus infections or serious cases of the coronavirus.

As always, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, the subject matter experts over at have you covered.


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