Top 10 Tips: Pneumonia During the Coronavirus Emergency Care

Top 10 Tips: Pneumonia During the Coronavirus Emergency Care

As is discussed in detail over at, many patients who have COVID-19 have gone on to develop pneumonia, and many have died from the same. It is therefore something to be taken even more seriously, considering pneumonia as a stand-alone condition is pretty serious, as covered over at This is why this article will look to highlight the top 10 tips on how to deal with the pneumonia during the coronavirus pandemic.

It could be a complication of COVID-19

As is revealed in discussions over at, pneumonia is one of the most common complications of the coronavirus. As is covered in more detail over at, some of the symptoms that will indicate that your COVID-19 infection is beginning to cause pneumonia include a rapid heartbeat, dizziness, heavy sweating as well as shortness of breath or a sense of breathlessness. If you are experiencing such symptoms and you the coronavirus, you should call 911 immediately.

Know when to go to the ER for pneumonia

As per discussions over at, pneumonia can be very serious even without the coronavirus. It is therefore important to know the symptoms indicating that you need to go to the ER for pneumonia even if you don’t have COVID-19. These, as covered over at, include your lips or fingertips turning blue, labored or rapid breathing, high fever, confusion or lethargy, gurgling sounds in the throat, moderate to severe shortness of breath as well as a whistling sound or what is referred to as wheezing when breathing. All these mean that you require emergency care as soon as possible.

Call 911, don’t take yourself to the ER

Another vey important tip when dealing with an emergency case of pneumonia, based on the symptoms discussed above, is making sure you call 911 rather than taking yourself to the ER. This, as per the guru over at, will ensure that the chances of getting exposed to the coronavirus are kept at a minimum, while also giving the emergency personnel time to prepare for you.

Contrary to popular belief, the ER and hospital is safe

Many people, as is revealed in discussions over at, are now afraid of going to the ER or the hospital for fear of getting exposed to COVID-19. This, however, is very unlikely as ERs and hospitals have put in place very strict measures to ensure that their patients are kept safe and are not exposed to the coronavirus, particularly those coming in with non-COVID-19 related emergencies, such as stand-alone pneumonia. You should therefore not be afraid of going to the ER if you have emergency pneumonia.

Disclose your COVID-19 status

If you are experiencing pneumonia as a result of complications due to the coronavirus, which means that you were in self-quarantine at home having tested positive for the coronavirus and you develop signs of emergency pneumonia, then you should disclose this information when calling for 911. As per the gurus over at, this will allow the responders to prepare appropriately, and ensure that are protected from the virus. You should also do the same if you suspect you may have COVID-19 even if you have not been tested for the same.

When in doubt, call your doctor

If you are not sure whether your pneumonia symptoms require a visit to the ER or you just don’t know how to react, then as per the subject matter experts over at, you should call your doctor. This will ensure that you get the direction on how to proceed as your doctor will tell you if you need to come in for an in-person consult, you need to call 911 to be taken to the ER or you can handle your situation at home. When in doubt, always call your primary care doctor.

Know your risk

There are certain people who are more at risk of suffering bad outcomes as a result of pneumonia, regardless of the seriousness of their symptoms, as is covered over at These include the elderly, that is, those at the age of 65 and above, infants and newborns as well as those with a weakened or compromised immune system. If you fall into any of these categories and you are presenting with symptoms of pneumonia, then you should call 911 for emergency care as soon as you can.

Pneumonia can be just as serious as COVID-19

Just because you think you don’t have the coronavirus doesn’t mean that you should take your situation lightly. As per discussions over at, severe pneumonia is potentially life-threatening and should always be taken seriously. You should therefore be not put off seeking medical attention just because you believe your condition is not as a result of the coronavirus as pneumonia is just as serious, and can even be lethal and certain circumstances.

Leverage the power of telemedicine

If your doctor confirms to you that your pneumonia doesn’t require emergency attention, and you are still afraid to go to the hospital for treatment due to fear of being exposed to the coronavirus, then you can seek treatment through telemedicine. This, as discussed over at, will allow your doctor to evaluate your symptoms and recommend a treatment plan, where they can send your prescription to your local pharmacy of choice in case you need medication to treat your pneumonia, particularly if it is bacterial. This will ensure also that ERs and hospitals are kept clear for coronavirus patients and those who really need them.

Ensure you are up to date with your pneumonia vaccine

The last tip we have for you is one that will ensure that you are able to sidestep pneumonia in the current coronavirus crisis. As per the gurus over at, you should talk to your doctor and ask them about the pneumonia vaccine so that you ensure you get one that is appropriate for you. The vaccine will ensure that you stay clear of pneumonia, avoiding such emergencies during the current pandemic.

Remember, the highly regarded is the place to head to when looking for more information on this and other related topics.


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