Top 10 Coronavirus Tips for Stroke Emergencies

Top 10 Coronavirus Tips for Stroke Emergencies

Even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, people will still have strokes and other serious medical conditions. If you are wondering how to proceed in case of stroke in the current climate, you are in the right place as this article, with the help of the subject matter experts over at, will look to highlight the top 10 coronavirus tips for stroke patients.

Know the warning signs of stroke

One of the most important tips as far stroke emergencies go in the current crisis is to be aware of the warning signs as far as it is concerned. You should be aware of the FAST method of identifying a stroke, which is an acronym discussed in detail over at, and should have you check if your face is drooping when your smile, if you are unable to lift both of your arms as one keep falling down when you attempt to do so, if you have developed slurred speech, with the “T” standing for Time, meaning you should call 911 as soon as possible when experiencing such symptoms.

Time is key

This brings us to the next tip which is on the importance of time when dealing with a stroke. Don’t waste time when it comes to a stroke, but call 911 as soon as possible when experiencing signs and symptoms of the same. Though the focus is on coronavirus cases, strokes remain as deadly as ever, and the sooner you get treatment the better your chances of a positive outcome, with the opposite also being true.

Benevolence won’t help you in cases of a stroke emergency

As per discussions on the same over at, most people are afraid to call 911 for anything other than coronavirus symptoms as they are afraid of being a burden to the already strained emergency personnel. This however shouldn’t be a consideration when dealing with a stroke, given that it is a life-threatening condition requiring immediate care. Therefore, as our next tip, remember that benevolence will you cost you badly when dealing with a stroke and you should waste no time calling 911 if experiencing symptoms of the same.

You will be safe in the ER

Also revealed in discussions on the same over at is the fact that people are afraid of going to the ER as they fear that they may contract COVID-19. This is why, as our next coronavirus tip for stroke emergencies, it is important to note that ERs and hospitals have put in place measures that will ensure the safety of those patients coming in with non-coronavirus related emergencies. You should therefore rest assured that you will be protected from the virus and should call 911 as soon as possible for stroke emergencies.

Have family or friends help with the FAST test even while social-distancing

Another important tip for stroke emergencies in the current coronavirus crisis is having family and friends help you with the FAST test even as you social-distance. This, as per the gurus over at, can be done through video chats or through phone calls, where you could have your family or friends go through the FAST method with you and see if you are showing signs of a stroke.

Inform paramedics if you also have the coronavirus

As covered over at, it is important to note that not all coronavirus patients are admitted in hospitals, as those who may not be exhibiting serious symptoms are being asked to self-isolate at home. If you are one of those self-isolating at home and start having a stroke, a very important tip is to ensure you inform paramedics that you have coronavirus when you call 911 so that you can be handled properly to avoid putting the paramedics and other people at risk.

Stay in close contact with primary care providers

Now, more than ever, it is important to be in close contact with your primary care providers, having a way through which you can reach them for emergency services as soon as possible. If you live alone, make sure you have a list of support contacts you could reach out to in case you suffer a stroke emergency and need emergency care. Ensure that your list or emergency contacts is in an easy-to-find place as per the gurus over at

Take signs of a mini-stroke seriously

The temptation for many patients suffering from a mild stroke or a mini-stroke, also known as a TIA, is to try and tough it out. However, as per the gurus over at, you should never take a mini-stroke or mild stroke lightly as in most cases it is usually a sign that a serious stroke emergency is impending. As a very important tip, don’t take such cases seriously, and at least call your doctor so that you can be advised how to proceed.

Call 911; don’t take yourself to the ER

Even in normal circumstances, it is always advisable to call 911 for a stroke for an ambulance to come and take you to the ER so that you can start being attended to even before you reach the ER or hospital, increasing your chances of a positive outcome. As a tip by the gurus over at, this is even more important in the current coronavirus crisis, as not only will it allow you to get treatment sooner, it will also ensure that you are protected from the virus by reducing interactions with other patients at the hospital or ER.

Some conditions are more serious than COVID-19

Another vey important tip is to keep in mind that some conditions, such as stroke, are more serious than the coronavirus. Stroke, for instance, is the number 3 cause of death in the U.S., and in addition to that, most cases of disability in the country are also due to stroke. As a tip for stroke emergencies in the current coronavirus crisis, it is important to know how serious strokes are, so that you can call 911 as soon as possible when presenting with symptoms of the same.

This article is only the tip of a very large iceberg and you can uncover more information on this and other related topics by visiting the highly rated


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