How to Identify a Serious Skin Rash: 10 Tips

How to Identify a Serious Skin Rash: 10 Tips

Given that the skin is the outermost part of the body, it is usually the first line of contact as far as external elements are concerned. It plays a very important role therefore when it comes to protection, making it a part of the body whose health is paramount to the overall health of the body. Given how it is exposed to the environment, skin rashes are pretty much a given as far as we are concerned. Skin rashes can be due to a number of different reasons such as due to the food we have eaten, the weather, stress among others. The aforementioned cases are cases where the skin rash is not necessarily something that is that serious and as such it can be treated at home with the help of over-the-counter medication. However, it should be noted, there are instances where the skin rash you have may be indicative of a much more serious condition. It is therefore important to note these instances so that you can be able to identify if the skin rash you have is a serious one; something this article will look to assist with by highlighting 10 tips to help with that.

One way you can be able to identify if the skin rash is a serious one is if it is extremely painful. If you are experiencing unbearable pain due to the skin rash, then it could be indicative of an infection as far as the rash is concerned, something that should be taken seriously by getting yourself over to the doctor for evaluation.

Speaking of infection, another tip that will enable you to tell if skin rash is due to a serious condition is if you are experiencing high fever to go with it. Fever is usually a tell-tale sign of an infection, as is explained in detail over at, and as such it should be taken seriously so as to prevent the infection from spreading and causing sepsis.

Another tip that will come in handy as far as identifying if the skin rash you have is serious or not is checking for blistering. As a rule of thumb, if the rash you have starts to blister, and you also know that you haven’t been exposed to poison ivy or poison oak, then it could indicate shingles, which should be taken seriously.

As mentioned above sometimes one may decide to treat their skin rash at home with over-the-counter medication. If, however, even after trying to treat it with such medication the skin rush remains persistent and fails to improve, then this could be indicative that it is a serious skin rash, making this another great tip to identify the same, as per the folks over at

Another tip that will enable you to identify if the skin rash is a serious one is if there is discharge coming out from the rash. If there is some discharge coming of the skin rash, as well as some foul smell, then this indicates an infection and it means that your skin rash is a serious one and should be treated as such.

Another tip as far as identifying if a skin rash is serious is by checking if the skin rash appears and spreads very quickly. If this is the case, that the skin rash appeared seemingly out of nowhere and spread very quickly, then as per, this may indicate an allergic reaction, either to food or medication and should be treated very seriously.

If you are looking to identify if the skin rash is serious, another tip is by examining the shape of the rash. Lyme disease, which is a disease that should be taken quite seriously, usually comes with a skin rash that is circular in shape. In such cases one should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Another tip that will help you find out if the skin rash you have is a serious one is if the rash is accompanied by skin discolorations. Red flags to look out for as far as this is concerned include yellowing of the skin which indicates liver disease or hardening and darkening of the skin which indicates diabetes.

You can also keep your eye on the extent of the rash if you are looking to identify if you have a serious skin rash. As a rule of thumb, if the skin rash is covering a significant area of your body, sometimes even the whole body, then this is a sign the it is very serious and as such you should seek immediate medical attention.

As far as skin rashes are concerned, another way to identify if they are serious is by checking if there is any bruising or swelling around the rashes. This, as per the subject matter experts over at, could prevent blood from flowing as it should in the affected area and should be looked at and treated as soon as possible.

The above are some of the tips that will help you if you are looking to identify if a skin rash is serious or not, with more on this topic and then some to be found over at


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