Complications of fractures
- Prevent complications of immobility
- Constipation
- Renal calculi
- Cardiopulmonary deconditioning
- DVT/pulmonary emboli
- Infection
- High incidence in open fractures and soft tissue injuries
- Devitalized and contaminated tissue an ideal medium for pathogens
- Prevention is key
- Can lead to chronic osteomyelitis
- Antibiotics for treatment
- Compartment Syndrome
- Swelling and increased pressure within a confined space
- Compromises neurovascular function of tissues within that space
- Usually involves the leg but can occur in any muscle group
- Two basic types of compartment syndrome
- Decrease compartment size
- Increase compartment contents
- Arterial flow compromised → ischemia → cell death → loss of function
- Clinical manifestations
- Early recognition and treatment essential
- May occur initially or may be delayed several days
- Ischemia can occur within 4 to 8 hours after onset
- Six Ps
- Pain
- Out of proportion to the injury that is not managed by opioid analgesics and pain on passive stretch of muscle traveling through the compartment
- Pressure
- Increase in pressure in the compartment
- Paresthesia
- Numbness and tingling
- Pallor
- Coolness, and loss of normal color of the extremity
- Paralysis
- Loss of function
- Pulselessness
- Diminished or absent peripheral pulses
- Pain
- Clinical manifestations
- Interprofessional care
- Prompt, accurate diagnosis via regular neurovascular assessments
- Notify of pain unrelieved by drugs and out of proportion to injury
- Paresthesia is also an early sign
- Assess urine output and kidney function
- NO elevation above heart
- NO ice
- Surgical decompression (fasciotomy)
- Prompt, accurate diagnosis via regular neurovascular assessments
- Venous thromboembolism
- High susceptibility aggravated by inactivity of muscles
- Prophylactic anticoagulant drugs
- Antiembolism stockings
- Sequential compression devices
- ROM exercises
- Fat embolism (FES)
- Presence of systemic fat globules from fracture that are distributed into tissues and organs after a traumatic skeletal injury
- Contributory factor in many deaths associated with fracture
- Most common with fracture of long bones, ribs, tibia, and pelvis
- Interprofessional care
- Treatment is directed at prevention
- Careful immobilization and handling of a long bone fracture probably the most important factor in prevention
- Management is supportive and related to symptom management
- Coughing and deep breathing
- Administer O2
- Intubation/ intermittent positive pressure ventilation