Nontherapeutic Communication 

Nontherapeutic Communication  Example Rationale Reassuring    -Indicting there is not cause for anxiety. “Everything will be all right.” “I wouldn’t worry about that!” 1. Attempts to dispel the anxiety of the patient by implying there is not sufficient reason for it devalues the patient’s judgment, and communicated the nurse’s lack of understanding and empathy. 2. […]

Therapeutic Communication Techniques (Recommended to use when interacting with a patient)

Interpersonal Techniques Therapeutic Communication Techniques (Recommended to use when interacting with a patient) Examples Rationale Silence  -Absence of verbal communication 1. Interested, expectant silences often encourage the patient to verbalize. 2. Silence allows the patient an opportunity to take the initiative in communication that, which is most pressing. 3. Silence reduces the pace of the […]

Nursing Liability & Types of Lawsuits

Nursing Liability Negligence- failure to exercise the care toward others that a reasonable or prudent person would do in the circumstances, or taking action that such a reasonable person would not. Failure to exercise the care toward others that a reasonable or prudent person would do in the circumstances. Malpractice- an act or continuing conduct […]


Hospitalization Voluntary admissions Involuntary commitments- where the client is in imminent danger to themselves or other, or unable to perform ADL (activities of daily living) Emergency commitments (Mostly because they are a danger to themselves/others) A mentally ill person in need of treatment (Typically longer and meant for clients who have been affected severely by […]

Legal Issues in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing

Legal Issues in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Confidentiality and right to privacy Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (H I P A A) Individuals have the rights to access their medical records, to have corrections made to their medical records, and to decide with whom their medical information may be shared If information is released in […]

Ethical principles & Patient right’s

Ethical principles Autonomy emphasizes the status of persons as autonomous moral agents whose rights to determine their destinies should always be respected. Beneficence refers to one’s duty to benefit or promote the good of others. Nonmaleficence is abstaining from negative acts toward another; includes acting carefully to avoid harm. Justice: Principle based on the notion […]

Legal and Ethical issues

Legal and Ethical issues Ethics: A branch of philosophy that deals with distinguishing right from wrong Bioethics: Term applied to ethics when they refer to concepts within the scope of medicine, nursing, and allied health Moral behavior: Conduct that results from serious critical thinking about how individuals should treat others Values: Personal beliefs about what […]


Neurotransmitters Functions Implications in mental illness Acetylcholine Sleep, arousal, pain perception, motor control, learning, and memory Motor and memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease Norepinephrine Regulation of mood, cognition, perception, attention, vigilance, memory, cardiovascular functioning, and sleep-wake cycles Mood disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, and mania Dopamine Regulation of movements […]

Biological Implications

Biological Implications Greater emphasis has been placed on the study of the biological foundations of cognitive processes, emotional processes, and behavioral processes Review of the Brain Forebrain Cerebrum Consists of right and left hemispheres separated by corpus callosum Each hemisphere contains frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes Diencephalon Connects cerebrum with lower structures of the […]

Maladaptive Grief responses

Maladaptive Grief responses This occurs when an individual is unable to progress satisfactorily through the stages of grieving to achieve resolution and usually gets stuck with the denial or anger stages. Prolonged response- preoccupation with memories of the lost entity for many years. May experience functional disorganization and intense emotional pain. Delayed/inhibited response- the individual […]