10 Warning Signs of Appendicitis

10 Warning Signs of Appendicitis

The appendix is the narrow, tube-shaped pouch-like organ protruding from your large intestine, which is located in the lower right side of your abdomen. Its purpose is largely unknown, although there are those that argue that it has some role to play in fighting infections in the body. What is for sure is that for what is basically a vestigial organ, one that has no vital function to play in the body, when it becomes inflamed it could cause you massive problems. When the appendix becomes inflamed, due to its blockage or obstruction, then this is what is referred to as appendicitis. Appendicitis can be quite serious, even life-threatening especially if the inflamed and infected appendix bursts spilling its contents into your abdomen. The appendix is liable to burst as a result of appendicitis since in such a situation, the inflamed and infected appendix not only becomes irritated, it also swells. This is why it is important to catch the warning signs of appendicitis so that you can have it removed in the emergency room before it bursts. To help with that, this article will look to highlight 10 warning signs to look out for as far as appendicitis is concerned.

  1. One of the first warning signs as far as appendicitis is concerned is abdominal pain. Here, if you are experiencing dull abdominal pain that starts around your navel or upper abdomen and becomes sharper as it radiates towards the lower right abdomen, then this could be a warning sign that you are suffering from appendicitis. The pain may worsen if you make any sharp, jarring movements such as walking, coughing among others. Given that the appendix is usually pushed to the upper abdomen during pregnancy, pregnant women may experience the pain on their upper abdomen.
  2. Another warning sign of appendicitis is nausea and vomiting, which usually comes soon after the abdominal pain begins, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com. If you begin to experience nausea and/or vomiting, which is accompanied by the abdominal pain as explained above, then you need to head over to an emergency room as soon as you can to be assessed and attended to.
  3. Appendicitis can also lead to abdominal swelling, which is yet another warning sing as far as it is concerned. Your abdomen may swell and you may begin to experience rebound tenderness whereby you feel pain when you press onto the lower right side of your abdomen, with the pain worsening when you release the pressure. If this happens, then the safe thing is to ensure you don’t push on your abdomen again and you should seek immediate emergency care.
  4. Yet another warning sign of appendicitis is loss of appetite, especially if it is accompanied by some of the other symptoms discussed above, and in detail over at the excellent frontlineer.com. If, out of the blue, you are in a situation where your appetite is low and you don’t feel like eating, then you should take note and seek emergency care if you experience other signs that show it may be due to appendicitis.
  5. Low-grade fever and chills are yet other warning signs as far as appendicitis is concerned. The fever is likely to get worse as the illness progresses, which is something to keep an eye out for. If the fever is at about 103 degrees Fahrenheit and above and is accompanied by other classical signs of appendicitis such as abdominal pain, then you should seek emergency medical care as soon as you can.
  6. Yet another warning sign of appendicitis is an inability to pass gas. Though this could be a sign of having eaten food that causes bloating, if you are experiencing an inability to pass gas, have been bloated for more than 2 days, are having a lot of gas to go with bowel movements and it is accompanied by some of the classical signs of appendicitis such as abdominal pain and fever, then you should seek immediate emergency care, with the highly regarded frontlineer.com being the best place to visit.
  7. Constipation is yet another warning sign of appendicitis. If you are experiencing hard, dry bowel movements or having extremely few bowel movements, and this is accompanied by other telltale signs of appendicitis then you should seek emergency care as soon as you can.
  8. Diarrhea is yet another warning sign of appendicitis. While it is true that diarrhea may not necessarily indicate appendicitis, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, if you are experiencing diarrhea that has a lot of mucus in it and you are also experiencing some of the classical signs of appendicitis such as abdominal pain, then you should seek emergency care.
  9. Yet another of the warning signs of appendicitis is severe cramps. You should keep an eye out for severe cramps accompanied by other telltale signs of appendicitis such as lower-right abdominal pain and fever.
  10. Sometimes appendicitis can cause painful urination as well as difficulty when passing urine, making this yet another warning sign of appendicitis especially when accompanied by other symptoms of the same such as abdominal pain.

It is our hope that this article will help you know what to look out for as far as appendicitis is concerned, with the excellent frontlineer.com being the place to visit for such cases among other emergency care services.


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