10 Tips to Protect Yourself from Seasonal Allergies

10 Tips to Protect Yourself from Seasonal Allergies

Allergic reactions can spike up depending on the season. For example, spring may bring about an increase in the pollen count, with pollen being one of the biggest allergy triggers around. As is explained in detail over at frontlineer.com, allergic reactions when the body, through its immune system, fights harmless products such as pollen, by producing Immunoglobulin, which is a special class of antibodies. Each season brings with it its own challenges as far as these allergies are concerned and it can lead to one being extremely uncomfortable and miserable. One can protect themselves from the effects of these through various ways and strategies, depending on how sever the attack is. This article will look to highlight some tips that should come in handy and help you protect yourself from these seasonal allergies.

One of the key tips to ensure you abide to if you are to protect yourself from seasonal allergies is ensuring you plan your day early on. Find out what the temperature and humidity is going to be like during the day, and on different times of the day as these two play a major role in determining such things as pollen count. This is because hot and dry days tend to have the highest pollen counts of all. You should also ensure that as you plan your day, you put the wind conditions into consideration. Avoid being outdoors when it is windy. Also mornings and evenings tend to have the highest pollen count and as such you should plan your day with this in mind.

Another tip is ensuring that pollen doesn’t get into your home if you have a pollen allergy. Closing windows and doors is one way to do this. If you need to keep the temperature in your home cool, rather than opening your windows, you are better served to turning on the air conditioner. Another way to keep pollen out is ensuring you change clothes and take of your shoes when you come inside the house, having been outside as well as washing your hands and face.

Protecting yourself is yet another tip to highlight that should help protect you from seasonal allergies. This as is discussed on frontlineer.com involves wearing a mask when doing gardening especially on a heavy pollen day. Gloves, sunglasses among others should be considered, with the later helping keep allergens like pollen from entering the eye. If you have severe allergies, outsourcing help for your gardens and lawns is highly recommended.

The next tip involves pre-medicating with an antihistamine before going outside to undertake any activities that may expose you to any allergen. You should ensure you consult your allergist or doctor to ensure you get the antihistamine most suitable to you.

It is also very important that you know exactly what you are allergic to so that you know how to protect yourself. If you are allergic to pollen, you should know which type of pollen you are allergic to specifically whether it is from grass, trees, weeds among others. You should also be able to identify your allergen by sight to ensure you are not exposed to it. If you are planning to visit some place, it is important to know whether the vegetation and trees there include those that produce pollen among other things you may be allergic to.

Checking the daily pollen count of your area is also important in helping protect you as it will enable you limit the time you spend outdoors during the days that have a high pollen count forecast. Pollen counts, as discussed on frontlineer.com, are usually very accurate and checking them out should be part of your strategy to help protect yourself from seasonal allergies. Nowadays most weather forecast updates include updates on pollen count and as such you should check them out.

Another tip involves working with your allergist to develop a plan that should help protect you from seasonal allergies. Depending on what you are allergic to, your lifestyle and symptoms, you should work to come up with a strategy to better tackle these seasonal allergies.

It is also important that after coming up with a plan as stated above, you start on any medication early enough. Experts recommend starting your allergy regimen a month or so before the allergy season comes around. This gives you a head start and the best chance possible to tackle these allergies.

Keeping an eye on pet dander is another important tip since our pets, as is discussed on frontlineer.com, carry pollen on their fur especially if they go outside. It is advised that you brush your pet’s hair regularly and ensure you wash your hands afterwards each time. Clean your house with a vacuum frequently to ensure you rid it off pet dander.

For those with a mold-specific allergy, ensure that you lessen the amount of mold in your surroundings in the seasons conducive to their setting in. getting rid of any standing water as well as being cautious when using a humidifier are important things to note here.

Hopefully with the above tips, with more on the same to be found on frontlineer.com, you will be able to better protect yourself from seasonal allergies.


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