10 Signs You Have Asthma & Shortness of Breath: ER Near Me

10 Signs You Have Asthma & Shortness of Breath: ER Near Me

Given how important breathing, as a body process, is, if you are having difficulties breathing, then it may be terrifying to say the least. However, as per discussions on the same over at frontlineer.com, given that such issues may be due to a number of issues, it is not always a sign that you have asthma. If you have asthma, you will want to know about it as soon as you can so that you can get it under control, and to do so, you need to know the signs to look out for. This article, with the help of the gurus over at frontlineerrichmond.com, should therefore be of great help as it will look to highlight 10 signs you may have asthma and shortness of breath.


One of the signs that you have asthma is if you have a persistent cough according to frontlineerdallas.com. While having a cough is not necessarily something strange, as we all develop a cough every now and then, if you have had a cough for a number of weeks, then you should see your doctor to be assessed if you may have asthma.

Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath

Another sign that you may have asthma is if you experience random and unexplained episodes of shortness of breath, as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com. If you usually experience difficulties breathing and shortness of breath even when doing normal activities such as even walking, then you should see your doctor to be checked out for asthma.


Wheezing, or a whistling sound when you breathe, is another sign of asthma as per the folks over at frontlineerrichmond.com. This is usually as the narrowing of your airways due to the asthma and if you are experiencing wheezing when you breathe, then you should check in with your doctor so that you can assessed for asthma.

Chest pressure and tightness

Another sign that you may have asthma is if you begin to feel like your chest is tightening or someone is tightening a rope around your chest area. This should be a sign that you should see your doctor to be assessed for asthma. If however, the chest pressure or tightness is severe and is accompanied with chest pain radiating towards your arm, neck or shoulder, then you should call 911 and have yourself taken to an ER near you, like the excellent frontlineer.com, as this may be a sign of a heart attack.


If you are also always tired and fatigued, then it could be a sign that you have asthma. Fatigue is a normal part of human life, but if you are experiencing fatigue and tiredness that is abnormal, then, as per the folks over at frontlineerrichmond.com, it may be a sign that you can’t get enough oxygen due to the asthma causing your airways to narrow, and you should check in with your doctor to be assessed.

Flaring of your nostrils

If you experiencing a flaring of your nostrils, then it could be a sign of asthma, as it may indicate that you are having troubles breathing as discussed in detail over at frontlineerdallas.com. This is usually a sign of asthma particularly in infants and younger children and should be checked out by a doctor to ascertain if the affected person has asthma or not.

Trouble sleeping

Another sign that you have asthma, as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineerdallas.com, is if you usually have trouble breathing. Asthma, due to the fact that it causes difficulties breathing and shortness of breath, causes those who have it to wake up in the middle of the night. Therefore, if you are experiencing such signs, then you should see you doctor so that you can be tested for asthma.

Extreme tiredness when working out

Another sign that you have asthma is if you usually experience severe fatigue and tiredness when you work out. While it is to be expected that you will have difficulties catching your breath after working out, if you get absolutely shattered and also experience coughing and wheezing after a workout, and remain tired hours after your workout session, then as per the folks over at frontlineer.com, you should also see your doctor to be assessed for asthma.

When you get a cold, your symptoms seem to be worse than those of your friends and family

Another sign that you have asthma, according to the gurus over at frontlineerrichmond.com, is if you find that a cold usually affects you far worse than it does your friends and family. This may be a sign that you have asthma and you should get checked out by your doctor.

Signs of an allergy

If you are presenting with signs of an allergy, like sneezing, a cough and a running nose, and you don’t have an allergy, then as per the experts over at frontlineerdallas.com, you should see your doctor and get checked out for asthma.

The above are some of the signs that may indicate that you have asthma, and if you are experiencing any of them, you should have your doctor check you out. Remember, if you have asthma, some of the signs of a serious asthma attack include chest pain, a rapid pulse, confusion, difficulty walking or talking, severe difficulties breathing, blue color on your lips, face or nails, high fever among others. If you are presenting with these signs, you should head over to an ER near you like the excellent frontlineer.com, frontlineerrichmond.com and frontlineerdallas.com.


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