10 Reasons to go to the Emergency Room for Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are as embarrassing and invasive as they come. These niggly infections will have you touching your itchy genitals from time to time and give you searing pain after peeing. Caused by an infection to one or more organs in the urinary tract, UTIs are some of the most common reasons why people visit emergency rooms in America.

If you are suffering from any UTI, you should not hesitate to report the same to the nearest emergency room and get the necessary medical attention. Here at Frontline emergency room, we understand the ramifications of not reporting UTIs on time and always urge our patients to report any suspect infection of the urinary tract to us on time.

If you are suffering from a UTI and are wondering why it is imperative to report the same to the nearest emergency room, we have put together a list of reasons as to why and when you should report any suspected UTI to the nearest emergency room. Here are the 10 reasons to go to the emergency room for Urinary Tract Infections;

10 Reasons to go to the Emergency Room for Urinary Tract Infections

Untreated UTIs lead to life-threatening conditions

Yes, if left untreated for too long, UTIs will spread to vital organs within the urinary tract such as the kidneys and this becomes life-threatening. If your kidney is affected, chances are that you will suffer from sepsis which overwhelms your body’s ability to fight off infections.

There is no shame in contracting UTIs

Be it through sexual contact or through interaction with the bacteria in toilets, there is no shame in getting UTIs. Millions suffer from the condition annually and you should not be ashamed of reporting the same to the nearest emergency room and get the help you need.

UTIs are very invasive

The other reason why you should report the UTI to the nearest emergency room, is the fact that the infections are very invasive. They will make your genitals very itchy and you might end up scratching your genitals in public which is not the best sight.

OTC medication does not always work

There is always a misconception that any antibiotic can cure a UTI in just a week. This is however very misinformed and if you are not keen, your infections can develop tolerance for the antibiotics and will not respond to future medication.

The safest thing to do is to report any suspected UTI to the nearest emergency room and get the proper medication you need.

It’s hard to differentiate between UTIs and STDs

The other reason why you should be very keen to report any suspected UTIs to the nearest emergency room is because it can be very difficult to differentiate between UTIs and STDs. You might be attempting to treat a UTI over the counter when in truth you are suffering from an STD which is far more serious.

UTI’s can lead to abnormal heart functioning

If UTIs are not treated on time, they can lead to urosepsis which affects the kidneys. If the urosepsis is not treated on time, it affects other major organs of the body and the heart is the most notable of them all. You should not wait until it gets to these dangerous levels before seeking medical help.

UTIs will make sex uncomfortable

Yes, UTIs will make sex very uncomfortable. The tract will always be itchy after sex and this is not very pleasant. If you want to keep enjoying life in the bedroom, you should report the urinary tract infection to the nearest emergency room today.

UTIs are transmittable

The other reason why you should be keen to report any suspected UTI to the nearest emergency room, is the fact that the infections are easily transmittable. If you are not careful therefore, you might end up passing the infections to your other family members through the urinal or toilet.

Not all people need the same treatment for UTIs

People with diabetes, weakened immunities and children always need specialized treatment when it comes to UTIs. This is why it is unadvisable to try and treat UTIs at home using OTC medication. The safest thing to do is to report the same to the emergency room and make the physician aware of any prior medical condition before he/she can treat you.

No wait care in emergency care

It will only take a few minutes to get your UTI examined and treated in our emergency room here at Frontline Emergency room. The days of queuing just to get attention from a medical practitioner are behind us and we will treat and discharge you in less than an hour.

Give Frontline Emergency Room a call today

Want the best medical care in Richmond Texas at very affordable rates? Well, look no further than our way here at Frontline Emergency Room. We offer the best, no wait emergency care services at competitive rates and are looking forward to treating your UTI. Give us call today.


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