When to go to Urgent Care for Ear Pain

When to go to Urgent Care for Ear Pain

If you’re having ear pain that comes on suddenly, it’s a good idea to visit an urgent care clinic. Tinnitus and vertigo are also likely reasons for which you should head over immediately. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor might recommend antibiotics or even an MRI scan. When in doubt, always check with a medical professional before deciding when to visit urgent care for ear pain.

If your ear pain has lasted more than three days and you are having a hard time hearing, or if you have a fever of 102 degrees or more, it’s time to call an ambulance. The same applies if there is drainage from your ear (although drainage alone is not reason enough to call 911). If you’re feeling lightheaded or experiencing nausea, especially when coupled with tinnitus (ringing in your ears), take a break from work and make an appointment with your doctor—they can decide whether you need urgent care.

Acute ear pain is usually due to an infection in your middle or outer ear. There are several ways you can treat it yourself at home. However, if you have had acute ear pain that hasn’t gone away within a few days, or if it gets worse with time, then you should visit urgent care. Also visit an urgent care center when your symptoms include facial paralysis, pus coming out of your ear, dizziness and ringing in your ears. If left untreated, these symptoms could be dangerous. Call a local urgent care clinic today!

It’s not just a bad cold. If you have symptoms of an ear infection and they don’t resolve quickly or they get worse, make sure to see your doctor. They may prescribe antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medication, which can help prevent permanent damage in your middle ear. Without treatment, an untreated ear infection can spread from your middle ear to become an inner-ear infection. And these infections are more difficult and more expensive to treat than a simple case of swimmer’s ear.



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