When to go to urgent care: Dehydration

When to go to urgent care: Dehydration

The body is actually made up of mostly water, with it accounting for about 60% of an adult’s body as revealed in discussions over at the excellent frontlineer.com. This just goes to show how important water is to the everyday functions of the body. Since we regularly lose water through activities such as breathing, urinating and sweating, it is important that we replenish our water reserves by regularly drinking water and taking in fluids. If, however, the amount of water one is losing is more than the amount they are taking in, dehydration will ensue, as discussed in detail over at frontlineer.com. There are a number of conditions that may lead to a situation such that the amount of fluids and water you are losing is more than that being taken in. These include diarrhea and vomiting, both of which can lead to massive water loss. Excess sweating due to intense working out schedules or spending too long in the heat can also lead to excessive water loss as can diabetes where the elevated blood sugar levels can lead to excessive urination. Burns can also lead to excessive loss of water due to water sipping into the burned and damaged skin from inside the body. Dehydration can be quite serious and can lead to serious complications and it is therefore important to know when to go to urgent care for the same, something this article, with the help of the gurus over at frontlineer.com, will look to help with.

If you have been experiencing persistent vomiting for more than a day, and your vomiting is not getting better, or is even getting worse, then you should head over to urgent care for dehydration. As per discussions on the same over at frontlineer.com, persistent and severe vomiting will definitely lead to dehydration and in such a situation, it is better to get ahead of the problem and see if the underlying issue causing the vomiting can be treated at the urgent care clinic so as to prevent dehydration from ensuing. On a related note, you should also head over to urgent care for dehydration if you have been experiencing persistent diarrhea for more than 2 days. If your diarrhea has not resolved after 3 days, then any longer and you will definitely have a dehydration problem in your hands. The subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com therefore recommend that in such a situation, you should go to an urgent care clinic to be assessed and attended to, and see if the root cause of your dehydration can be addressed.

Also keep an eye out for a fever if you are experiencing symptoms of dehydration, such as extreme thirst, dry mouth among others, all of which are discussed in detail over at the excellent frontlineer.com. While a fever that is above 103 degrees Fahrenheit should lead to a visit to the ER in such a situation, if you have a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit, you should go to urgent care immediately to be attended to and so as to ensure that your situation doesn’t worsen. Keep an eye out also for your urine production. If you notice that you have significantly reduced your urine production, then it is a sign that you are experiencing dehydration and should head over to your local urgent care clinic so that you can be attended to. As per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, if you record no urine output at all for about 12 hours or more, the you should go to the ER. So, the tip here is that; for reduced urine output, you should go to urgent care and for no urine output for 12 hours or more, you should go to the ER.

If one appears to be confused and their confusion is persistent and lasting, then they should also be taken to urgent care for dehydration. They may experience confusion after working out or having spent too long in the heat, or they may have conditions like vomiting or diarrhea that may lead to excessive loss of water. In any case, excessive and lasting confusion should lead to a visit to urgent care. As per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, if one is experiencing extreme and severe confusion as well as lethargy and weakness, then you should skip urgent care and take them to the ER. If the confusion is lasting, but not extreme, then an urgent care clinic will suffice. If you have been experiencing signs of dehydration and you notice a sudden loss of weight, then you should also head over to urgent care clinic as soon as possible to be assessed to and attended to as this may be a sign of something more serious, as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com.

It is important to take signs of dehydration seriously, and that is why if you need more information on the same, then make sure you head over to frontlineer.com, where you will also have access to the best medical services in such a situation.


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