When to go to urgent care: Wheezing or shortness of breath
When to go to urgent care: Wheezing or shortness of breath Wheezing or shortness of breath are amongst those symptoms that can be particularly worrying if you experience them. Ordinarily, breathing is something we hardly ever have a think about, despite its importance and despite the fact that we breathe in and out a number […]
When to go to urgent care: Vomiting or persistent diarrhea
When to go to urgent care: Vomiting or persistent diarrhea Vomiting and diarrhea can be quite uncomfortable to experience, not to mention the fact that they can be quite unpleasant. As per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, the two are also usually a sign of something happening in your body rather than being illnesses by […]
When to go to urgent care: Sprains and strains
When to go to urgent care: Sprains and strains Sprains and strains are amongst the most common musculoskeletal injuries that people suffer out there. As per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, although these two injuries can have similar symptoms, they are actually quite different. A sprain occurs when one stretches or tears a ligament while […]
When to go to urgent care: Small cuts that may require stitches
When to go to urgent care: Small cuts that may require stitches Cuts are among the most common injuries out there and it is highly likely we have all suffered a cut at one time or the other. There are a number of ways one can suffer a cut, from cuts when using a knife […]
When to go to urgent care: Moderate flu-like symptoms
When to go to urgent care: Moderate flu-like symptoms The cold winter months bring with them much more than just the snow, as this is when we see a spike in cases of the flu. The flu and a cold are actually two different illnesses, even though they are usually erroneously confused as one, mostly […]
When to go to urgent care: Fever without a rash
When to go to urgent care: Fever without a rash A fever occurs when your core body temperature goes above the average body temperature, which as per discussions on the same over at frontlineer.com, is about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Fevers, in most cases, are not an illness by themselves, but rather a symptom of an […]
When to go to urgent care: Dehydration
When to go to urgent care: Dehydration The body is actually made up of mostly water, with it accounting for about 60% of an adult’s body as revealed in discussions over at the excellent frontlineer.com. This just goes to show how important water is to the everyday functions of the body. Since we regularly lose […]
When to go to urgent care: Abdominal pain
When to go to urgent care: Abdominal pain I’m pretty sure that most of us, if not all of us, have suffered abdominal pain at one time or the other. This is what is commonly referred to as stomach pain, or a stomachache. The abdomen, as per discussions on the same over at the excellent […]
When to go to the ER: Weakness/ Numbness on one side
When to go to the ER: Weakness/ Numbness on one side Most of us have experienced weakness at one time or the other, especially at the end of a long day at work or due to hunger or sickness as discussed over at the ever reliable frontlineer.com. In such instances, there is usually nothing to […]
When to go to the ER: Vaginal bleeding with pregnancy
When to go to the ER: Vaginal bleeding with pregnancy Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, during the first trimester, is pretty common as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com. It may be worrying yes, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is something serious going on. Things […]