When to Go to the ER for Concussions: Common Causes & Signs You Should Go to the ER

When to Go to the ER for Concussions: Common Causes & Signs You Should Go to the ER

A concussion is an example of a traumatic brain injury, and it affects the normal functionality of your brain. Concussions are usually caused by sudden blows to the head and can have severe consequences especially in cases of severe concussion. When one receives a blow to the head, either from playing contact sports such as football, from falls, from car accidents among other scenarios, what happens is that this may cause the brain to move around in the skull which may lead to bruising as well as injury and damage of the blood vessels and nerve cells in the brain. This is why after a concussion, one’s brain doesn’t function normally and also the reason behind the concussion symptoms one experiences after. It should be noted that concussions are caused by closed-headed type of injuries and as such don’t include injuries where there is bleeding into the brain or under the skull, as explained by the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com. It is also worth noting that not all concussions are made equal, as there are varying levels of severity as far as they are concerned. Grade 1 concussions are mild one, grade 2 moderate ones with grade 3 concussions being severe ones. If you suffer a moderate to severe concussion, due to the fact that it affects the brain, you should take it very seriously and should head over to the ER as soon as possible for assessment and treatment. This article will look to highlight first the common causes of concussions and then signs that one needs to go to the ER for the same.

As far as common cases go, there are two; athletic injuries and cases where one is violently shaken. Athletic injuries that lead to concussions include playing contact sports such as football, soccer, playing sports where there is an increased risk of suffering a fall such as cycling, dirt bike racing as well as playing sports with some element of violence such as boxing. The other cause of concussion is due to being violently shaken and this can happen during a car accident, stamped after getting caught up in a large crowd among others. Moving on to signs that you need to go to the ER as far as concussions go is if you suffer a loss of consciousness after a blow to the head, even if it is just momentary. A loss of consciousness after a blow to the head, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, always indicate that one may have suffered a severe concussion and that is why it is important to head over to the ER if you experience such a symptom.

Yet another sign that you need to go to the ER as far as concussion is concerned is if you are experiencing a severe headache after having taken a blow to the head. If the headache is intense and it is persistent, and isn’t easing even after seeking treatment for it, then this is a sign that you need to get yourself over to the ER as soon as possible and be assessed and attended to, with the excellent frontlineer.com being one of the best options out there for you. Another sign that you should head over to the ER as far as concussions go is if you are experiencing severe nausea and vomiting after having suffered a blow to the head. This is one of the classical signs of a concussion and should always be taken seriously hence why one should ensure they head over to the ER in such a situation. If you are experiencing severe drowsiness, dizzy spells, weakness as well as an inability to walk after suffering a blow to the head, then this is yet another sign that you need to head over to the ER as soon as possible to be assessed and treated for concussion.

Given that concussions affect the brain; it is no surprise that they come with neurological symptoms. as far as these symptoms are concerned, if you are in a state of confusion after the blow to the head, and the confusion doesn’t go away quickly, then this is a sign that you need to go to the ER as soon as possible to be attended to. Another sign is if you are experiencing a loss of memory of the event and you find that you can’t remember the events leading up to, during and after the accident. This is yet another sign you need to go to the ER. If you develop slurred speech after the blow to the head, or you are saying the same thing over and over again, which is referred to as perseverating, then this is yet another sign you need to go to the ER for your concussion. Other signs that you need to go to the ER for concussion, as covered in detail over at frontlineer.com include seizures, if the blow to the head was as a result of a traumatic or serious accident such as a car accident or if one suffers a blow to the head and they are on medication such as platelet inhibitors and blood thinning mediation.

Hopefully this article will come in handy as far common causes of concussions go as well as when to go to the ER for the same, with the excellent and highly rated frontlineer.com being one of the best places out there to go during such situations.


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