When to Go to the ER for Chickenpox: Common causes & Signs You Should Go to the ER

When to Go to the ER for Chickenpox: Common causes & Signs You Should Go to the ER

Chickenpox is an infection that is self-limited, and tends to affect children between the ages of 5-10 years of age. Also known as varicella, it has now spread and has a worldwide distribution, which means it is not restricted to any part of the world. It is also worth noting that while it may be seasonal in some climates, when it comes to regions with temperate climates, it occurs all year long. Another thing that is worth noting about the infection is that once one heals, they become immune from it for life. The subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com also explain that if one has it and their immune system doesn’t completely eliminate the infection causing virus, it may seek sanctuary in the sensory nerve cell bodies of their skin, where the virus is protected from their immune system. This may lead to shingles in the future hence why shingles mostly occurs in adults. Given that it is a viral infection, it usually doesn’t require treatment and will go away on its own after a while. This is scenario however only applies to healthy children, who are able to cope with the disease relatively easily bar the initial fever and sore throat and then the itchy rash. in children who have a compromised immune system and in adults, the infection may lead to more serious problems that could lead one having to head over to the ER. This article will look to highlight its common causes and signs that indicates one needs to go to the ER for chickenpox.

Let us start with the causes of chickenpox and here we find that there is only one cause, that is the varicella-zoster virus, VZV in short. It is also worth noting that the disease is very contagious, through only human to human contact, and those folks that are not immune to it almost always develop the disease through exposure. The virus can spread either through direct skin-to-skin contact as well as through respiratory fluids such as sneezing, coughing and the likes from an infected person. While the disease is usually nothing to worry about, especially in healthy kids, there are instances where complications may arise and one may need to go to the ER, such as the excellent frontlineer.com. One of these scenarios is if one contacts a severe skin infection while suffering from the disease. These secondary infections are usually bacterial and in such an instance, if one starts to ooze yellowish or greenish fluid from blisters, it shows an infection and if it is severe, then it may be a sign that you need to go to the ER.

Another complication as far as chickenpox is concerned, this one common in adults, is varicella pneumonia, and is a condition that is very dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Here, if one has chickenpox and they start to show symptoms such as difficulties breathing, becomes very sleepy as well as being difficult to wake up and appears disoriented and confused, it is a sign that you need to take them to the ER as soon as possible. This is because varicella pneumonia, as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com has a very high mortality rate in adults, up to 30%, with most of the chickenpox hospitalizations in adults due to it. Yet another complication as far as chickenpox is concerned has to do with neurological symptoms. These neurological complications are more dangerous in adults and they can be life-threatening as well as having the potential to cause long-term neurological issues. This is why, if one has chickenpox and they begin to present with seizures as well as high fever that is accompanied by vomiting and a headache, then it is a sign that they need to be taken to the ER as soon as possible so that they can be assessed and treated.

Another sign that one may need to go to the ER as far as chickenpox is concerned is if their chickenpox involves the eye. Here one may be presenting with pain in the eye as well as sensitivity to light and this should be taken seriously as this situation may lead to permanent scarring and even permanent problems with vision if not attended to as soon as possible. Chickenpox in pregnant women is another situation that could lead to very serious complications. Here, if a pregnant woman is infected with VZV, it leads to their unborn baby to be infected to while in the womb, that is congenital infection. it should be noted, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, that women who are immune to VZV don’t have such risks even when exposed to VZV. If the infection occurs during the final two weeks of pregnancy, then it is very serious for the infant, with mortality rates going up to 25%. Therefore, if you get chickenpox during the last month of pregnancy, it is a sign you need to go to the ER as soon as you can.

The above are some of the signs that one needs to go to the ER as far as chickenpox is concerned, with the highly rated and excellent frontlineer.com being a great option to explore, and we hope this article will be of great help as far as this topic is concerned.


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