When to Go to the ER for an Asthma Attack: ER Near Me

When to Go to the ER for an Asthma Attack: ER Near Me

Even though asthma has no cure, it can still be managed through medication and so forth and one can live a normal life even with the condition. However, if you have asthma, then you know that you should always be prepared for an attack. During an attack, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, the muscles in your airways will contract, your airways will produce extra mucus and will narrow. This will lead to wheezing, a cough and trouble breathing, something you are familiar with if you have asthma. However, most asthma attacks are usually able to be managed at home, with the help of your rescue inhaler. As per discussions on the same over at frontlineerrichmond.com, if you have asthma, then you will have come up with a treatment plan with your doctor which governs how you should proceed during an asthma attack. This treatment plan will include what to do when your attack is getting worse including when to go to an ER near you such as the excellent frontlineerdallas.com. It is therefore important to know the signs that you are having a severe asthma attack, which can be life-threatening, so that you can head over to the ER and to help with that, this article will look to highlight the signs and symptoms which indicate that you should go to the ER for an asthma attack.

One of the signs and symptoms that indicates that you should head over to an ER like the highly rated frontlineer.com for asthma is if you are experiencing severe wheezing or shortness of breath. This is a sign that you are having a severe asthma attack and should always be taken seriously, severe wheezing and shortness of breath or breathlessness needs attending to at an ER near you as soon as possible due to the risk of asphyxiation that comes with it. You are likely to experience such symptoms in the early morning or at night and in such a situation, call 911 and have an ambulance come and take you to frontlineerrichmond.com or an ER near you as soon as possible. Another warning sign that indicates that it is time to go to an ER near you for asthma is if you notice that you are unable to speak more than short phrases at a go. If you are unable to speak more than short phrases, then it is a sign that you are experiencing severe shortness of breath, which indicates that you should call 911 and have an ambulance come and take you to an ER near you, such as the highly regarded frontlineerdallas.com.

During an asthma attack, your first line of defense as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com is your rescue inhaler. In cases of minor asthma attacks, the symptoms should improve after a few minutes of taking your rescue inhaler. However, if there is no improvement in your symptoms after having taken your quick-acting inhaler medication, then this is a sign of a severe asthma attack and you should call 911and have yourself taken to an ER near you, like the excellent frontlineerrichmond.com. Here, you should go to the ER for an asthma attack if your symptoms are not improving after having taken your quick-acting inhaler repeatedly for about 15-20 minutes. Given that, as per the gurus over at frontlineerdallas.com, it may be hard to keep track of time during an asthma attack, another way to find out if you need to go to an ER near you for an asthma attack is by counting the number of puffs of your inhaler you have taken during the attack. Here, if you have taken more than 10 puffs of your quick-acting inhaler and your symptoms are not improving, then you should call 911 and have yourself taken to an ER near you as soon as possible.

Another sign that you need to go to the ER for your asthma attack, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, is if you are recording low peak flow readings when you use a peak flow meter. This is yet another warning sign that you are having a severe asthma attack and should always be taken seriously. You should also head over to frontlineerrichmond.com or an ER near you if you are having to strain your chest muscles to breathe; another sign of a severe asthma attack. In children, this is evidenced by visible tugging in their neck or the area below and between their ribs when they inhale and is a sign that they are struggling badly to breathe and should therefore be taken to an ER near them to be attended to as soon as possible. Yet another sign that you need to go to an ER near you, such as the highly rated frontlineerdallas.com, is if your skin, lips or fingertips begin turning blue, especially in children. This should always be taken seriously as it is a sign that one is having serious difficulties breathing. Other signs that indicate you should go to the ER for an asthma attack is if you are unable to walk due to shortness of breath, are taking more than 25 to 30 breaths a minute or have a heartbeat that is higher than 120 beats per second.

The above are some of the signs and symptoms indicating that you should go to the ER for an asthma attack, with the highly rated frontlineer.com, frontlineerrichmond.com and frontlineerdallas.com being the best place to go to during such situations.


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