When to go to the ER: Broken bones and dislocated joints

When to go to the ER: Broken bones and dislocated joints

Broken bones and dislocated joints are some of the most painful injuries out there, and if you have ever suffered any of them, then you can definitely attest to this. Although our bones are strong and can withstand significant pressure when healthy, there is a limit to the amount of pressure they can withstand and as such too much force exerted on them can lead to them breaking. Broken bones, or fractures as they are called in medical professional circles, can occur to anyone, at any time and due to a number of different reasons as discussed in detail over at frontlineer.com. Dislocations on the other hand are just as painful, if not more in certain situations. A dislocation occurs when a bone is pushed or pulled out of position in its joint, preventing normal joint movement, and the pain that ensues can be quite something. When it comes to broken bones, there are instances that can be handled at an urgent care facility and there are those that require an immediate visit to the ER. It is therefore important to know the instances when you should go to the ER for broken bones, something this article, with the help of the gurus over at frontlineer.com, will attempt to do help with. We will also talk about when to go to the ER for dislocated joints.

One of the instances when one should head over to the ER as soon as possible for broken bones is if they have suffered a compound fracture, also known as an open fracture as per discussions on the same over at frontlineer.com. This is the sort of fracture where the broken bone breaks through the skin exposing underlying tissue and may either remain visible on the outside, or may go back in underneath the skin. If one suffers such an injury, then you should call 911 and have them taken to the ER as soon as possible to be attended to. The reason why open fractures should always be taken seriously and should always be handled at an ER, like the highly rated frontlineer.com, is due to the increased chances of infection of the broken bone. Since the bone has broken through the skin, exposing it to external factors, there is a high chance it could get infected, which is definitely something to be avoided at all costs, hence why such cases should always be handled at an ER, such as the highly rated frontlineer.com. Such cases also come with severe bleeding given the skin has been broken and therefore heading over to the ER is the safe thing to do.

Unless it is an open or compound fracture or it is a severe fracture, usually broken bones in the hand, wrist, ankle or foot are treated at an urgent care clinic. However, broken bones in the other parts of the body other than the aforementioned should always be treated at the ER as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com. This includes broken ribs or sternum which may not only lead to difficulties breathing, they may also lead to injury and puncturing of internal body organs round them which can be life-threatening. Cases of a broken spine or skull should also lead to a visit to the ER as soon as possible for obvious reason. Signs of a broken spine include paralysis or loss of movement in the limbs, back pain, numbness and incontinence among others. A fracture of the upper leg should also be treated at an ER as should facial, pelvic, lumbar and hip fractures. The reason why these fractures should be handled at the ER is due to the fact emergency rooms like frontlineer.com are better equipped to accurately diagnose such cases, with equipment such as CT scans and so forth as well as having all the requisite facilities and personnel for pain management and treatment, including surgery if required. If one suffers suspected broken bones during an accident at high speed such as a car or bike accident, they should also be taken to the ER due to the likelihood that they may have not only suffered internal injuries and bleeding, but also multiple body fractures.

Switching gears to dislocated joints, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, a dislocated joint is a medical emergency and should always be handled at the ER. The quicker you go to the ER for treatment, the quicker you will heal and the better your chances of avoiding lasting damage to the affected joint. If you suffer an accident and suspect a dislocated joint, you should therefore head over to the ER as soon as possible. Signs of a dislocated joint include severe pain on the joint, an inability to move the affected joint, where you may be unable to move the joint normally or at all, deformity in the joint where you can see the misplaced bone, numbness or tingling on the affected joint or a break in the skin over the painful joint. If you are experiencing any of these signs, you should head over to the ER as soon as possible to be attended to. According to the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com, never try to pop the dislocated joint back into place.

For more information on the above topics, don’t forget to give the highly rated frontlineer.com a visit, where you will also find the best emergency medical services for this and other situations.


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