When to Visit an Emergency Room for head Injuries

Did you recently bang your head against the steering wheel and are wondering whether there is a need to see a physician? Well, although not all sustained head injuries necessarily require a trip to the ER, there are some symptoms that you should look out for after a head injury which should prompt you to see the doors of an ER.

It is not the least unlikely thing to bang your head against a surface or suffer a blow to your head when going about with your daily activities. While some of these injuries sustained in such accidents are negligible and should cause no worry, there are some injuries which require immediate medical care.

The head is home to some of the most vital and delicate organs in the human anatomy. Although the internal structure is protected by a tough skull, some magnitudes of force are likely to cause significant damage or disrupt the normal workings of the human head and these injuries need to be reported to the emergency room as soon as possible.

So, when should one go to the emergency room for head injuries? What are the symptoms of head injuries are indicative of serious injuries? Here are tips on when to go to the emergency room for head injuries;

Tips on When to Go To the Emergency Room for Head Injuries

Loss of consciousness after impact

If you momentarily lost your consciousness after a head injury, there is need to visit an emergency room within the next 24 hours. Injuries to the head which result in loss of consciousness, must have been caused by large impact forces which are potential organ-damagers and it is a wise thing to go to the emergency room and get proper diagnosis and treatment.

Loss of memory after impact

If after a head injury you realize that your memory is deteriorating, then it is best advised to visit an emergency room for medical care. Loss of memory could be indicative of a concussion and the best thing to do is to consult a physician for proper diagnosis and medication.

Concussions are caused by impacts to the head and they affect the neurological functions in the body including memory. They are also indicative of potential brain damage and it is therefore important to visit the nearest emergency room and get proper diagnosis and medication.

Disorientation after impact

If you feel a tad bit disoriented and are somewhat confused, then that is indicative of a serious injury which needs attention from medical experts. Sometimes after an impact to the head, you are left in a trance for some few minutes and feel confused with little knowledge of what is going on around you.

These are all signs of a possible concussion which needs to be addressed in the Emergency Room. Lack of immediate medical care after such an injury could be detrimental. Concussions can be indicative of brain damage, cracking of the skull and even internal bleeding within the head.

Headaches, nausea and vomiting

If after sustaining a knock to the head you start suffering from severe headaches, vomiting, nausea and endless migraines, it is best advised that you seek medical care from an emergency room. Headaches and endless migraines after a blow to the head, are indicative of serious injuries and possibly, brain damage.

Discharge of a fluid from your nose and ears

Any injury to the head followed by a discharge of a clear fluid from your nose and ears is a potentially lethal one and needs immediate addressing. The fluid that leaks is referred to as cerebrospinal fluid is indicative of serious damage to the spine.

In some extreme cases, trauma to the head, results in bleeding from the ear, mouth and nose. When it gets to such a point, then urgent medical surgery is required because this could be indicative of serious internal organ damage and internal bleeding.


The other red flag which is indicative of a head injury which requires immediate medical attention, is frequent seizures immediately after the head injury. Seizures are a sign that there is a disruption in the normal functioning of the neural system together with the brain.

Progressive or worsening symptoms

Sometimes, after a head injury, the symptoms might not be serious or immediate but will be progressive. This simply means that you will be experiencing things like deteriorating memory which gets worse by day or headaches whose frequency goes a notch higher every single day. If you discover that this is the case, then you are advised to seek immediate medical help from an emergency room.

Frontline ER is waiting to address your head injuries

Be it as a result of a grisly road accident or a bang against a low overhanging wall, Frontline Emergency Room is open 24 hours waiting to address your head injury in Dallas and Richmond TX. We are a 24 hour emergency room offering high quality services at competitive rates and are looking forward to quelling your allergies. Give us a call today.


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