Trampoline Injuries: Statistics, Common Injuries, Prevention & More: ER Near Me

Trampoline Injuries: Statistics, Common Injuries, Prevention & More: ER Near Me

Trampolines have grown in popularity over the years to the extent that they are now not only found in jump parks and outdoor playgrounds, many folks actually own their very own trampoline in their backyard. Trampolines are extremely fun and enjoyable for kids, and since they make our kids happy, we are happy for them to have at it and have a good time. However, any parent will tell you, as much as they want their kids to be happy, they also want them to be safe. This is why parents are increasingly becoming concerned with trampolines, especially due to their high penchant for causing injuries. As per the subject matter experts over at, a significant number of people, especially kids, end up in an ER each year due to trampoline injuries. As a parent, I’m sure you want to have as much information on trampolines as possible so that you can help keep your children out of an ER such as the excellent This article should therefore be of great help as it will look to highlight a number of key things as far as trampoline injuries are concerned, with the help of the subject matter experts over at

We are going to start with the facts and figures, the statistics, as far as trampoline injuries are concerned. A statistic that is worth knowing about, one which we will come back to later on when we discuss prevention, is that about ¾ of trampoline injuries, 75% that is, occur when there is more than one person jumping on a trampoline at the same time, one backed up by the gurus over at We all know about fractures and how painful they can be and therefore, it is important to note that about 93% of fractures that occur in children 16 years or younger are caused by trampolines, which is a staggeringly high number to say the least. As per the experts over at, another noteworthy statistic is that about 40% of trampoline injuries are as a result of falling from the trampoline, which again is a point we will come back to later on when we discuss prevention measures. Trampoline injuries are also not only about the older kids trying out fancy tricks as another noteworthy statistic is that about 15% of trampoline injuries are on children younger than the age of 6. As discussed over at the highly rated, it is also worth noting that about 1 in 200 trampoline injuries result in permanent neurological damage, which is among the worst-case scenarios as far as these injuries go.

Before we get into prevention, it is important to know the common injuries as far as trampoline injuries are concerned. As per the subject matter experts over at, these injuries usually vary in severity from those that are minor involving only minor bruises and scrapes to severe ones, that land in the 1 in 200 category which may lead to permanent brain damage and even death. Trampoline injuries usually involve injuries in the legs and arms and therefore sprains, strains, ankle injuries, as well as fractures are among the common injuries here as discussed over at the excellent Such injuries usually occur when one falls from the trampoline. Another set of common trampoline injuries are head and neck injuries. These, as explained by the experts over at, usually occur as a result of landing badly after performing tricks such as somersaults and other high-risk maneuvers as well as when there are a number of people playing on the trampoline and they collide while jumping, which usually leads to concussions and other head injuries.

Next up, we are going to discuss prevention as far as trampoline injuries are concerned, with the help of the subject matter experts over at Remember earlier on when we mentioned that about 40% of trampoline injuries occur as a result of falling from the trampoline? Well, to prevent this, you should ensure that you install a net around your trampoline, which can cut by half the chances of suffering an injury while playing on the trampoline as per the folks over at Given that, as stated above, about 75% of trampoline injuries occur when there is more than one person jumping on a trampoline, to prevent this, it is recommended that you allow only one child to go on the trampoline at a time. According to the, it is dangerous to have significant mismatches in size and weight on the trampoline, so if you are tempted to go on with your kid thinking you will keep them safe, don’t, as this will only put them at even more risk. Another tip to help prevent trampoline injuries is to create rules that ensure safety, such a banning your kids from jumping on the trampoline from high places such as rooftops and make sure that your kids have adult supervision when playing on the trampoline. You should also maintain your trampoline to ensure that it is safe and in top condition, ordering replacements when needed and making sure that it remains out of commission until repairs have been made.

Hopefully, this article will help keep you and your children safe as you play on the trampoline, with the highly rated, and being available to you if you need more information on trampoline injuries or you need emergency medical services on the same.


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