Top 5 Reasons to Visit an Emergency Room: Pregnancy Testing

Top 5 Reasons to Visit an Emergency Room: Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy is usually a very exciting time in one’s life as they look forward to becoming a mom. However, in addition to the excitement, on the flipside usually comes the stress that is associated with worrying about your unborn child and looking to keep them safe. This is why pregnant women are usually on edge and any small thing may see them wanting to head over to an emergency room, with being the best one out there to visit, for pregnancy testing so as to ensure that their unborn baby safe. Pregnancy also comes with lots of changes to the body and as such there are things that one may experience that may seem worrying but are actually quite normal as far as pregnancies are concerned and there are those that may require immediate medical attention. There are those pregnancy-related problems that require one to call or head over to their doctor to be attended to while there are those that require an immediate visit to an emergency room for testing as they are dangerous for both you and your unborn baby. It is therefore important to know those situations that require a visit to an emergency room for testing and those requiring a visit to the doctor and this article will look to help by highlighting top 5 reasons to visit an emergency room for pregnancy testing.

One of the top reason that should ensure that you give an emergency room for pregnant testing involves vaginal bleeding. As is revealed in discussions over at, a little bit of vaginal bleeding is common and mostly not that serious when it comes to pregnancies, however, if the bleeding becomes more severe and it is like you are having a period or is even more severe than that, then you should go over to an emergency room as possible for pregnancy testing as it may indicate pregnancy complications that need immediate medical attention. It is also important to note that vaginal bleeding that is accompanied by abdominal pain should also be taken very seriously and should lead to an immediate visit to an emergency room for pregnancy testing.

If there is a sudden and significant reduction in fetal movement, then this is yet another reason to visit an emergency room as soon as possible for testing to be done so that one can get to the bottom of it all. Most pregnant women are able to determine when their baby is awake and when they are asleep so that they can be able to tell when and how often the baby will be moving and kicking. As such, if the movement and kicking decreases suddenly and significantly or one goes for a few hours without feeling any movement, then they should ensure they head over to an emergency room as soon as possible for testing as there may be a problem or complication afoot.

Symptoms of preeclampsia, a very serious condition that, as discussed over at, can cause seizures during labor as well as placental abruptions, should also always lead to a visit to an emergency room for testing so that it may be established if you have the condition or not. The red flags to look out for as far as preeclampsia is concerned include high blood pressure, protein in urine, sudden changes in vision, a severe headache among others and should always be treated with the utmost seriousness as eclampsia is a very dangerous condition and can be fatal to both the mother and the baby during labor and as such catching it early, during preeclampsia, is key so that the doctor can prevent any other complications that may ensue, especially during labor.

Another reason to visit an emergency room for pregnancy testing is if one is presenting with signs of an ectopic pregnancy in a situation where ectopic pregnancy has not been ruled out. An ectopic pregnancy is one where the fertilized egg doesn’t make it to the uterus but it implants in the fallopian tube, ovary, cervix and anywhere else in the abdomen. Red flags of an ectopic pregnancy include abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, pain in the back, shoulder or neck, dizziness as well as nausea and vomiting, sharp abdominal cramps among others. If you experience any of the above symptoms and an ectopic pregnancy has not been ruled out, then you should head over to an emergency room as soon as possible for testing to be done to either confirm or rule it out.

If you are showing signs of going into labor, but you are not even close to your due date, then you should head over to an emergency room as soon as possible for testing as it may indicate preterm labor. The red flags to look out for her as per the folks over at include signs of contractions such as pelvic and rectal pressure as well as abdominal tightening and should always be taken very seriously.

Hopefully this article will help you sidestep some serious situations, with more on this very wide topic to be found over at so ensure you check them out.


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