Top 3 Basketball Injuries You Can Treat at an Emergency Room

Top 3 Basketball Injuries You Can Treat at an Emergency Room

Sports has the ability to bring together people of different backgrounds and it is one of those activities that forges unity in communities. Basketball is one of those sports, given that it is one of the most popular sports in the U.S. which means that it is played all over the country by the old as well as the young, in a professional level as well as for fun in parks, driveways and recreational centers. It is one of the most physically demanding sports out there and as such it places great strain on the bodies of those playing it. No one wants to get injured when playing basketball, but unfortunately it comes with the territory and it only takes a split second for one to occur. Basketball may not be as prolific as football when it comes to injuries leading to visits to an emergency room, but it still accounts for its fair share when it comes to the same, as per the facts and figures over at the ever reliable While most of the injuries related to basketball may be minor, some of them can be quite serious and require a visit to an emergency room. This article will look to highlight the top 3 when it comes to basketball-related injuries that can be treated in an emergency room.

One of the most common injuries as far as basketball is related, that can be treated in an emergency room is a knee injury. Knee injuries are quite common in basketball since the way the gameplay of the sport is means that with all the dribbling, shooting and running, a lot of strain gets exerted to the knee. One can get a knee injury through a number of ways when playing basketball such as when jumping when taking or blocking a shot or when pivoting as well as by landing awkwardly. Some of the knee injuries can be just minor strains and sprains that can be handled at home and don’t require a visit to an emergency room. However serious cases involving knee ligament damage, with damage or tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament, ACL, being the most common as well as a torn meniscus, all need to be treated at an emergency room as per the experts over at Some of the symptoms to look out for here include severe pain in the affected knee, swelling and tenderness of the knee, deformity of the knee, difficulty using or putting weight on it as well as a loud ‘pop’ if the ligaments tear.

Ankle injuries are yet another top injury that can be treated at an emergency room as far as basketball goes. Ankles are placed under a lot of strain when playing basketball and it is no wonder they get injured a lot. One can twist, roll or wrench their ankle when dribbling, running or even landing equality when playing basketball. For minor strains and sprains of the ankle, simply resting, icing, elevating or placing a bandage on it can help treat it, with over-the-counter pain relievers taken if necessary. However, there are instances where ankle injuries are quite serious and as such require one to visit an emergency room. Some of the symptoms to look out for in serious cases include severe pain, swelling, tenderness and redness of the affected ankle, clear deformity of the affected ankle, difficulty putting weight on it as well as in inability to move or use the ankle. Sometimes the area around the injured ankle may change color to a bluish color or may experience numbness or a tingling sensation too. All these symptoms are a sign you need to head over to an emergency room immediately, as comprehensively covered over at

Another top basketball injury that can be treated at an emergency room is a wrist injury. From shooting, blocking of shots or dribbling, basketball is quite demanding of wrists and it is therefore inevitable that wrist injuries are quite common as far as it is concerned. One can also fall on their hand when playing and as such injure their wrists. Minor wrist strains and sprains don’t need one to head over to an emergency room with home remedies such as icing, bandaging, resting and taking over-the-counter pain relievers when necessary doing the trick. However severe cases definitely need to be treated at an emergency room with some of the symptoms to look out for including severe pain on the affected wrist, an inability to move or make a pinching motion with the injured wrist, severe swelling, bruising, tenderness of the wrist as well as clear deformity of the injured wrist; with more on the same to be found over at These symptoms are a sign that you should head over to an emergency room as soon as you can for treatment.

The above are the top three basketball injuries that can be treated at an emergency room, with there being more to be learnt on this and other related topics over at


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