Top 10 Coronavirus Tips for Fever Emergencies

Top 10 Coronavirus Tips for Fever Emergencies

Until recently, a fever was one of the most mundane symptoms, only to be taken seriously if it was accompanied by certain symptoms that indicate a serious underlying condition. However, with fever being a key symptom of the coronavirus, as covered in detail over at, it is now to be taken very seriously. This is why this article will look to highlight the top 10 coronavirus tips for fever emergencies.

Check for signs of COVID-19

One of the most important tips as far as fever emergencies are concerned is checking to see if you are experiencing coronavirus symptoms over and above your fever. As per the gurus over at, these include a fever, a persistent dry cough, tiredness among others. Therefore, if your fever is accompanied by any of these symptoms, you should call 911 or your doctor for medical so that you can be attended to.

Check to see if you may have been exposed to the coronavirus

If you are experiencing a fever emergency, it is also important, as another tip, to check and see if there is a way you may have been exposed to the virus. You may have come into contact with a coronavirus patient or someone who later tested positive for the virus of you may have recently travelled from a country or place that has had cases of COVID-19. If this is the case, you should call 911 as soon as possible.

It doesn’t have to be coronavirus to be serious

Remember, a fever doesn’t have to be due to the coronavirus for it to be serious as there are a number of other serious conditions that could cause a fever. These may range from serious infections, including respiratory infections such as pneumonia to other conditions such as appendicitis, lupus and many others as covered in detail over at As a tip therefore, you should be aware that just because you think your fever isn’t as a result of coronavirus doesn’t mean that it isn’t to be taken seriously.

Know the serious signs as far as fevers go

Other than signs of COVID-19, as a tip, it is also important to know other serious symptoms as far as fevers go that mean you should seek emergency medical services. As per discussions over at, these include a rash, vomiting, non-stop crying, difficulty waking up among others in infants and babies as well as headache, abdominal pain among others in adults. It is important to know the serious symptoms as far as fever emergencies go so that you can get the treatment you require.

When in doubt, call your doctor

If you are unsure if your symptoms are serious or not as far as your fever goes, then the gurus over at recommend that you call your primary doctor for medical advice. You should not try to diagnose yourself or make any assumptions, as you may be experiencing a serious medical condition that requires immediate medical attention. Calling your doctor will ensure that you take the right course of action and ensure your safety as well.

Don’t take yourself to the hospital or ER

Another very important tip as far as fever emergencies go, particularly if you think you may be infected with COVID-19, is to make sure you don’t head over to the ER or hospital. You should call 911, as per discussions on the same over at, and have emergency services come get you. This measure is designed to prevent you from exposing other people to the virus or from getting exposed to people who may have the virus and is designed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Tell the dispatcher if you think you have COVID-19

If you are experiencing a fever emergency and feel like you need to call 911, it is important that you tell the dispatcher if you think your fever is an indicator of the coronavirus or if you have tested positive for the virus. This, as per the gurus over at, is designed to ensure that the emergency and medical personnel who attend to you don’t get exposed to the virus hence stopping it from spreading.

Take advantage of telemedicine services

If you or your child are experiencing a fever emergency and are reluctant to physically go to a medical facility, another tip is to take advantage of the telemedicine services available out there. As per discussions on the same over at, many doctors are offering their services virtually rather than having their patients come to their office in order to protect all the parties involved form the coronavirus. You should therefore seek the services of a doctor through telemedicine, where you will be attended to without having to go to the hospital.

The hospital or ER is safe

If your fever emergency is not as a result of COVID-19, and you have been advised by your doctor to call 911 to go to the ER or they have told you to come in to their office to be attended to, it is important to note that hospitals and ER are safe. Most people are afraid of having to go to the ER or hospital as they fear they may be exposed to the coronavirus. However, as covered over at, ERs and hospitals have got measures in place to protect patients and ensure they don’t get exposed to the virus. You should therefore not be afraid of going to the ER or the hospital for your fever emergency if that is what is required.

Ensure you have a thermometer in your first-aid kit

As you social-distance at home, it is recommended that you stock up your first aid kit, and one f the things you should ensure you have is a thermometer. This is crucial given the importance of temperature when it comes to the coronavirus. Having a thermometer will allow you to take accurate readings when experiencing a fever emergency, information which you can relay to the 911 dispatcher or to your doctor when you call them.

Remember, the highly rated is the place to go when looking for more information on this and other related topics.


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