Top 10 Coronavirus Tips for Chest Pain Emergencies

Top 10 Coronavirus Tips for Chest Pain Emergencies

Chest is always to be taken seriously as it could be a sign of a very serious condition such as heart attack, which is life-threatening as covered in detail over at How do you then go about things in the current coronavirus crisis as far as these emergencies are concerned? Well, this article will look to help by highlighting 10 coronavirus tips for chest pain emergencies.

Call 911 in case of signs of a heart attack

While the focus is mostly on COVID-19 right now, it is important to note that there are certain conditions such as a heart attack that are deadlier than the coronavirus. If you are experiencing chest pain that is a sign of a heart attack, like say you feel like your chest is tightening or being squeezed, among other symptoms covered in detail over at, then you should definitely call 911 as soon as possible.

Look out for shortness of breath

While shortness of breath should always be taken seriously, it should be taken even more seriously in the current coronavirus climate since we know it is one of the COVID-19 symptoms as covered in more detail over at Therefore, if your chest pain emergency is accompanied by difficulties breathing, you should also call 911 as soon as possible so that you can get the medical services which you require.

Call 911, don’t go to the hospital

On a related note, another coronavirus tip for chest emergencies is to call 911 and have emergency services come to you rather than having yourself taken to the ER or hospital. This is particularly important if you think your chest pain and difficulties breathing are as a result of the coronavirus infection as this will reduce interactions with other people hence ensuring that you don’t end up infecting others while looking for treatment.

Call your doctor if unsure

If you are not sure if your symptoms are an emergency or not, then as per the gurus over at, you should call your doctor to get the right medical advice. Many doctors are practicing telemedicine to foster-social distancing in the current coronavirus crisis, so as to stop the spread of the virus and will be able to triage and evaluate your symptoms virtually so as to determine if you need to go to a hospital or ER or your situation could be handled at home.

Consider your recent history

If you suddenly begin to experience chest pain emergencies such as difficulties breathing after having interacted with or been exposed to someone who later tested positive for COVID-19, then as per the gurus over at, you should also call 911 so as to get medical attention as it could be a sign that you are infected. This should also apply if you have a recent history of travel from a country or city that has been hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

Check if you are experiencing changes in your mental status

Changes in mental status are always to be taken seriously, but these symptoms have become even more serious as they could be a sign of COVID-19. This is because, as per discussions on the same over at, reduced circulation of oxygen in the body as a result if the difficulties breathing and low oxygen levels brought about by the coronavirus will affect your brain leading to changes in your mental status. Therefore, if your chest pain emergencies are accompanied by changes in mental status, you should call 911 so as you can be attended to.

Know the physical signs to look out for

Another coronavirus tip for chest pain emergencies, as per the gurus over at, is to know some of the physical symptoms to look out for. For instance, if someone has developed a blue tinge on their lips or face, then it could be a sign of serious breathing difficulties and a reduction in the oxygen supply in their body and as such you should also call 911 as soon as possible to have them attended to. This could be a sign of a COVID-19 infection or any other serious condition and should be taken seriously.

Consider your risk of COVID-19

While cases of coronavirus in everyone should be taken seriously, cases in those who are at an increased risk of suffering serious complications due to the infection should be taken seriously. These, as per discussions on the same over at, include older adults as well as those with a weakened or compromised immune system like those with HIV, asthma among other such conditions. If you are experiencing a chest pain emergency and you fall in any of these groups, then you should call 911 and seek medical services as soon as possible.

Don’t try to weather your symptoms

We have all had the news of just how thin medical practitioners have been spread dealing with the coronavirus crisis and as such you may be tempted to wait that bit longer to see of your symptoms go away when experiencing chest pain emergencies. Remember, if your chest pain is due to a heart attack or any other such serious and life-threatening condition, the sooner you get treatment the better your chances of a good outcome as per the gurus over at Therefore, don’t try to weather your symptoms in cases of a chest pain emergency, but call 911 as soon as possible.

Hospitals and ERs are safe

Another fear most of us have is of getting infected by COVID-19 due to the amount of people being treated for the same in these facilities. This, however, is not the case as hospitals and ERs have put in place precautions to protect patients coming in for treatment such as stringent hygiene protocols, having a separate wing to handle cases of COVID-19 among others. You should therefore not be afraid to call for emergency services when experiencing chest pain emergencies due to the fear of contracting the coronavirus.

If you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, you should look no further than the brilliant


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