The 10 Most Common Football Injuries & How to Treat Them: ER Near Me

The 10 Most Common Football Injuries & How to Treat Them: ER Near Me

Football is one of the most popular sports in the US, being played and watched by folks all over the country. However, as is the case for many contact sports, football comes with risk the of injuries and despite all the precautions put in place to prevent them such as pads, helmets, braces and so forth, injuries are still pretty common. As per the gurus over at, most sports related injuries seen in an ER setting are usually due to football. To that effect, this article, with the help of the subject matter experts over at, will look to highlight the 10 most common football injuries and how to treat them, as well as when to go to an ER near you for the same.


While all contact sports come with a risk of concussion, football by far comes with the greatest risk of the same, with stats showing that football players at all levels have a 75% chance of suffering concussion.  A football player may suffer concussion when getting hit during the game or after a tackle where their head may snap and hit the ground. Signs of a concussion include a headache, nausea, drowsiness, changes in vision among others. If a player suffers an injury leading to suspected concussion and they pass out, even just momentarily, then they should be taken to an ER near them, such as the excellent, as soon as possible as this is a sign of severe concussion. A player who has suffered a concussion should always be evaluated by a medical professional and should only return to training and playing after they have received clearance.


Fractures are also pretty common as far as football injuries go. One may suffer a fracture from a hard knock or landing after a tackle. Treatment of a fracture involves resetting the bone back in place and immobilizing the injured area with a splint or cast to allow the fractured bone to heal. Depending on the severity, metal rods or surgery may also be required. If one has suffered a compound fracture where the bone has broken through the skin, or if the fracture is on a long bone like the femur, or on the hip, then they should head over to an ER near them, like, as soon as possible.

Knee ligament injuries

Another common football injury are knee ligament injuries, which can happen when one receives a knock on the knee, when they change direction suddenly or when they land awkwardly on their knee. The knee has got four ligaments; the medial collateral ligament, MCL, the anterior cruciate ligament, ACL, the posterior cruciate ligament, PCL and the lateral collateral ligament, LCL. All of these can be injured, and some players even injure more than one or even all of these ligaments. Treatment for these injuries is usually through the R.I.C.E technique; resting, icing, compression and elevation of the injured knee. However, if you hear a popping sound during the injury, are experiencing severe pain and swelling, there is visible deformity on the injured knee, or you can’t move the injured knee at all, then you should head over to or an ER near you as it may be a ruptured ligament.

Ankle sprains

Ankle sprains are also very common in football, and usually occur due to awkward landings or sharp changes in direction, where one can twist and roll their ankle. Treatment for ankles sprains is through the R.I.C.E technique along with over-the-counter medication for the pain. A severe sprain, where you hear a popping sound during the injury, there is severe pain or swelling, there is decreased or no movement at all on the injured ankle or you note signs of an infection, should lead to a visit to an ER near you, like the highly rated, to be assessed.

Heat injuries

Heat injuries are usually common in august where the temperature and humidity levels are extremely high, with youth players being particularly vulnerable. One may experience dizzy spells and cramping of major muscles. Treatment is usually a matter of cooling the affected player down as well as ensuring they are hydrated. Keep an eye out for signs of heat stroke such as lack of sweating despite the heat, as this should always be taken seriously by taking the affected player to an ER near them like the excellent

Muscle contusions

Football, being a contact sport, means that contact injuries are always likely, and muscle contusions are one of them. A muscle contusion is an injury due to a strong impact to a large muscle, which is usually the thigh and can be particularly painful. One may even suffer a dead leg where you will be unable to move the affected leg due to impairing of muscle function. Treatment is mainly through the R.I.C.E technique as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen for the pain, but keep an eye out for severe complications such as compartment syndrome which is caused by buildup of pressure due to fluid in the injured area, mainly due to bleeding internally, among others all of which are discussed in detail over at


Dislocations are also pretty common in football, especially shoulder dislocations which occur when one suffers a heavy blow just below the shoulder or when one lands awkwardly, with their arm extended outwardly. If a player suffers a dislocation, then treatment should revolve around taking them to an ER near them, like the excellent, to have the dislocated joint placed back to its correct position.

Overuse injuries

Football obviously involves repetitive actions such throwing the ball over and over again, and therefore overuse injuries are quite common. These include shoulder tendinitis from frequent throwing of the ball as well as back pain from overuse. Treatment is usually through the R.I.C.E technique as well as doing specific trainings to strengthen the affected area, as per the gurus over at, as these injuries are not usually an emergency.

Torn hamstrings

Yet another common football injury are hamstring strains, which occur while running, stretching or jumping or when kicking. A hamstring strain will result in sharp pain in the area at the back of thigh. If the injury is severe, you could suffer a torn hamstring. Treatment mainly revolves around the R.I.C.E technique, taking of over-the-counter pain meds as well as taking a break from strenuous activity to allow the injured hamstring to heal. Severe tears, as per the folks over at, may require surgery to be repaired.

Rotator cuff strains

Rotator cuff injuries are also quite common in football, especially on quarterbacks who may suffer the injury while throwing the ball. Symptoms include sudden and severe pain in the shoulder, that may radiate down the arm. Minor strains may not require surgery, but if you are experiencing severe pain, there is deformity to the affected joint and so forth, you should head over to an ER near you, such as the highly rated, to be attended to as if such a tear is not attended to soon, one may lose strength or motion of the injured arm.

The above are 10 of the most common football injuries, with the excellent, and being the best place to head to for such emergency services as well as more information on the same.


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