Stroke Symptoms and Conditions We Treat at

Stroke Symptoms and Conditions We Treat at

Strokes are one of the most serious and life-threatening conditions out there, something that is backed up by the figures that put strokes as the fourth leading cause of death in the United States currently. A stroke is caused when blood supply to part of the brain is cut-off or interrupted affecting the functionality of the affected part of the brain or even leading to the said affected part of the brain to completely stop functioning. Given blood is the medium through which oxygen is transported to the various parts of our body, this will lead to the brain cells in the affected part to be deprived of oxygen and will begin to suffer damage within minutes. This is why even if someone survives a stroke, depending on the severity of the same, they are usually left to contend with permanent damage or impairment such as memory loss, loss of vision, weakness and paralysis on one side of the body among others. Unlike other medical conditions where only the severe cases of the same are to be taken as medical emergencies needing a visit to an emergency room, strokes themselves, no matter how severe are medical emergencies and one should head over to the nearest emergency room as soon as they present with symptoms of the same, especially given the potential consequences which include death. This article will therefore highlight the symptoms and conditions as far as strokes are concerned, that we treat over at

One of the symptoms that we treat over at as far as stroke is concerned is body weakness. This is usually a tell-tale sign of a stroke and as such if you begin to experience unexplained body weakness, then you should give us a visit as soon as possible to have yourself treated. The body weakness one usually feels as far as strokes are concerned is usually consigned to one side of the body and as such if you raise both of your arms and one of them drops, and you find that you can’t keep it up, then you should ensure you visit us as soon as possible to have yourself treated for stroke. Symptoms related to the eye and changes in vision are yet another set of symptoms that we treat as far as strokes are concerned over at Here, if you develop suddenly double vision, or your eyes start to move about involuntary or you even lose vision in one or both of your eyes, then you should give us a visit as soon as possible and have yourself treated for stroke. Another symptom that usually indicates that one is suffering from a stroke is if one of your eyelids begins to droop, and by extension the side of the face that the eyelid is on droops as well. Under such circumstances, you should ensure you give us a visit as soon as possible.

Another stroke symptom that we treat over at is numbness, which is one of those symptoms that is usually associated with strokes. As such, if you begin to experience sudden onset numbness on your face, arms, legs or feet, then you should visit us as soon as you can and have yourself treated for stroke, as time is of the essence here. Yet another set of symptoms that we treat as far as stroke is concerned are speech related symptoms. These symptoms are also a clear sign of a stroke and include loss of speech or slurred speech if one is speaking as well as difficulties understanding and comprehending language. Another set of symptoms that we treat as far as strokes are concerned are severe, unexplained headaches accompanied by dizzy spells and difficulties walking. This is usually yet another tell-tale sign of a stroke and that is why we have them treated.

Other stroke related symptoms that we treat include changes in behavior and mental state such as confusion and a general lack of alertness, a sudden loss of coordination or overactive reflexes, a reduced sensation of search, tingling sensation or a feeling of pins and needles as well as instances of weakness, stiffness or even paralysis of one’s muscles. All these are symptoms of strokes and as such should always be taken very seriously. Another thing worth noting as far as strokes are concerned is that we treat both the two types of strokes that are there, that is both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes and as such you shouldn’t be worried as we have facilities and the expertise to deal with both. Just as a refresher, while ischemic strokes occur when a blood clot forms in a cerebral artery cutting of blood supply to the affected part, hemorrhagic strokes occur when a cerebral blood vessel ruptures causing bleeding in the brain, just as their name suggests.

The above are some of the stroke symptoms and conditions that we over at treat, and you should ensure you give us a visit for the best services.


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