Should You Go to an Urgent Care for Scrapes

Should You Go to an Urgent Care for Scrapes

If there is a lot of blood, if your finger feels numb or tingly, or if any of your fingernail turns blue or black, it’s a good idea to seek medical care. These are signs that infection may be present and could potentially spread quickly. If an infection does set in, it’s extremely unlikely that urgent care treatment would be able to get rid of it without further intervention from a doctor. Another reason to visit an urgent care when you suffer from puncture wounds is if anything foreign (such as dirt or glass) has entered your body with the wound. In these cases, an urgent care professional will likely clean out your injury and thoroughly inspect for any foreign objects.

Scrapes and other lacerations are not typically life-threatening, but they can certainly make you feel like you’re going to die! And if your cut is caused by a poisonous plant or animal bite, it’s best to get to an urgent care as soon as possible. Most urgent cares will also stitch up minor lacerations, so it’s important to keep in mind that these centers are not necessarily limited to treating injuries related only to traffic accidents. Think of it like a medicine cabinet for cuts, strains and fevers—only with much more room (and doctors). Some may even accept walk-ins without an appointment.

Yes, a visit to an urgent care center is your best option for treating scrapes. An urgent care doctor typically charges $100 or less, while visiting an emergency room can cost $500 or more. The patient also receives a much more thorough examination in urgent care since there are no long waits and patients are not given priority based on severity of their condition. If you have an infection or foreign object in your scrape, you should be sure to mention it to your doctor when seeking treatment. You should always clean out any wound before applying antibiotic ointment and then wrapping it with gauze.


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