Role of Nursing Personnel

Role of Nursing Personnel

  • Role of Registered Nurse (RN)
    • On admission, complete a comprehensive assessment.
    • Obtain patient’s health history by interviewing patient and/or caregiver.
    • Perform physical examination using inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation as appropriate.
    • Document findings from the health history and physical examination in the patient’s record.
    • Organize patient data into functional health patterns, if appropriate.
    • Develop and prioritize nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems for the patient.
    • Throughout hospitalization, perform focused assessments based on patient’s history or clinical manifestations.
  • Role of Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse (LPN/LVN)
    • Collect and document specific patient data as delegated by the RN (after the RN has developed the plan of care based on the admission assessment).
    • Perform focused assessment based on patient’s history, clinical manifestations, or as instructed by the RN
  • Role of Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP)
    • Take and record vital signs, including oxygen saturation.
    • Report abnormal findings to RN.
    • Measure and document patient’s height and weight, oral intake and output.
    • Report patient’s subjective complaints to RN.
    • Per agency policy, perform point-of-care testing (e.g., glucose) and report findings to RN.


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