Psychological Aspects of Aging

Psychological Aspects of Aging

  • There are psychological changes as well.
  • Adaptation to loss and grief
  • Attachment to others
  • Maintenance of self-identity
  • What can make the difference between a good or poor outcome?

Psychiatric Disorders

  • Neurocognitive Disorders
  • Delirium
  • Depression –Usually diagnosed late in life
    • This creates pain, suffering poor quality of life, and spiritual anguish
    • Depression can be dangerous when the older person is also experiencing a chronic illness, loneliness, or losses (such as spouse, job, independence, home, finances, or health), and biggest risk factor for suicide
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Personality Disorders

Social-Cultural Aspects of Aging

  • Elderly people in most cultures share some basic needs and interests
    • They want satisfying lives
    • They want protection from harm
  • In some cultures; the aged are held in high esteem.  Is that true or not true in the American culture?
  • Do older Americans enjoy sex? What are some stereotypes about this?


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