Preparation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures

    • Preparation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
      • Psychologic preparation
        • Selecting nonthreatening words or phrases
Words and Phrases to Avoid Suggested Substitutions
Shot, bee sting, stick Medicine under the skin
Organ Special place in body
Test To see how (specify body part) is working
Incision, cut Special opening
Edema Puffiness
Stretcher, gurney Rolling bed, bed on wheels
Stool Child’s usual term
Dye Special medicine
Pain Hurt, discomfort, “owie,” “boo-boo,” sore, achy, scratchy
Deaden Numb, make sleepy
Fix Make better
Take (as in “take your temperature”) See how warm you are
Take (as in “take your blood pressure”) Check your pressure; hug your arm
Put to sleep, anesthesia Special sleep so you won’t feel anything
Catheter Tube
Monitor Television screen
Electrodes Stickers, ticklers
Specimen Sample


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