- Physiologic Data
- Current health status
- Health maintenance pattern and last visit
- Up to date?
- Safety
- Activity and exercise
- Nutrition
- Sleep
- Family history
- Health background
- Changes in family or family life
- Separation, divorce, or death of a parent
- Who lives in the household?
- Age-specific issues
- Newborns
- Children
- Daily routines
- Adolescents
- Home environment, education & employment, eating, activities, drugs, sexualities, suicidal thoughts, safety
- Medication
- Prescribed and over the counter (OTC)
- Allergies
- Immunization status
- Current health status
- Physiologic Data
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV)
About RSV WHAT TO KNOW RSV is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. Infants and older adults are more likely to